


外國網友呼籲原諒日本侵略者,韓國網友怒斥... | 老外看中國





I’m going to be 100% honest and share my thoughts on the good vs. the bad things about Chinese people. As a disclaimer, i’m not saying that everyone is like this.


Appearance - China has some of the most beautiful women. I love their eyes, skin tone, dress, dark hair, and so on. I find them extra beautiful when they show off their traditional forms of dress.The men look really good too.


外國網友呼籲原諒日本侵略者,韓國網友怒斥... | 老外看中國

Education - I like how they put alot of emphasis on math and science. It’s ingrained in the culture. I respect the many Chinese people who pursue a higher education. It takes alot of dedication to do that.


Politeness - I also like how they are usually quiet and very polite to others.


Hard work - I like how they work hard in everything they do.


Physical features - I love their appearance.


Languages - I like it when they know multiple languages and have a unique English accent.


Culture - Chinese culture is very diverse and rich. I love the idea of honoring your ancestors, love the food, the celebrations, arts, traditional music, etc. Unfortunately, many Chinese people have forgotten their cultural roots for various reason.


Food - I love how Chinese people take cooking very seriously. They have the mindset that the freshest ingredients make the best dishes.


外國網友呼籲原諒日本侵略者,韓國網友怒斥... | 老外看中國


Aha, generally speaking, the Chinese are a very excellent nation, but we need to know that the world is never perfect!


Of course, their attitude towards their neighbor Japan also made me unhappy,As we all know, Japan is a very polite country, they always make you feel very comfortable in his contacts。


外國網友呼籲原諒日本侵略者,韓國網友怒斥... | 老外看中國

But,There’s still Chinese people who hate the Japanese because of the Sino-Japanese war. You can see it on the news and even in entertainment as well. It’s not easy to let go of what the Japanese did in the past because it was a horrible tragedy. The Chinese have a right to get angry and feel the way they do. Nevertheless, it’s time to move on.


I think there’s alot the Chinese and Japanese can learn from each other. I appreciate both people and it’s sad to see them at each other’s throats. If you can’t let go of the past, there’s no way you can look towards a better future.


3、Langzi, Jiangnan District

I am a South Korean. My great grandfather was shot and killed during the Japanese colonial period, just because he refused to send his daughter to the Japanese military camp to become a comfort woman!


This is what the Japanese did in South Korea: forced their husbands to watch their wives being insulted, let their fathers sell their daughters to be sex slaves, and then plunder their income completely, and turn them into cattle and horses!


外國網友呼籲原諒日本侵略者,韓國網友怒斥... | 老外看中國

I don't know what the Japanese have done in China, but I can be sure that the same people will not become more civilized in different countries. From the official data, I can know that in the war ended more than 70 years ago, the Chinese paid 40 million casualties!


Do you know what is the most shameful thing in the world? The irrelevant bystander asks the victim to forgive the perpetrator who has never been punished!


Think about it. If the person who was killed and insulted is your mother, can you forgive so easily?


4、Tevita Phillips

Why should we discuss such a serious topic?


Hahaha ok, as an Australian living in Sydney, Australia's biggest and best city, I will try to answer this question.


I think of Chinese people as being hard workers, and it's been evident ever since the first wave of Chinese immigration into Australia, during the gold rush. Chinese prospectors would produce gold from mines Australian miners had given up on. Chinese also value education greatly, which I respect.


外國網友呼籲原諒日本侵略者,韓國網友怒斥... | 老外看中國

Chinese assimilate well with our society (Aus) unlike some other races (and religious groups).


The Chinese are great businessmen


Chinese food is one of my favourite cuisines.


Chinese are great at studying. This is also pretty common in Aus, and it is to an extant true, and Chinese are very well represented at Sydney's top schools.


Now, all of those were positive, but the following are negative:


Chinese are terrible drivers ;This is a very common stereotype in Australia, but in my experience holds up pretty well haha. Again, this is of course a generalisation.


Chinese enjoy consumption of dog meat. Again this is true, as the whole western world froths over it on the web. This has been denounced by many animal protectors, but in my opinion, from the perspective of the relationship between humans and animals, the relationship between humans and dogs is no more special than that between humans and cattle or between humans and sheep.



There is no doubt that China's basic education achievements are the first in the world!


Tiger parenting - Education is good, but i just don’t like the Chinese tiger parenting approach. Chinese people seem to have this view that if you don’t have a good education, you failed as a human being. You also failed your family too.


外國網友呼籲原諒日本侵略者,韓國網友怒斥... | 老外看中國

It’s obviously not true. It’s this type of attitude that leads to people who are psychologically damaged and can have very negative consequences. When you set the standards to an unbelievably high level, it can take a huge toll on someone’s psyche. That’s partially why the suicide rates are very high among Asian families.


I heard of a personal story of this one Asian guy who was very devastated that he didn’t get high grades in college. He couldn’t bear the shame of confronting his parents about it so he chose to jump off a bridge and kill himself. I think Chinese people should be allowed to be themselves.


6、Sylvia Vandermeer

On an individual level the Chinese people I’ve met are great. I’ve never been to China so the ones I meet have immigrated to Canada.


What puzzles me about Chinese people, is that collectively they don’t seem to care much about the plight of animals. I suppose it’s a form of pragmatism to think that anything on 4 legs can be eaten and exploited. No need for sentimentality.


In this regard I realize Western society is hypocritical in thinking dogs are cute and noble (or whatever) and shouldn’t be eaten, whereas pigs (which are every bit as sentient) are delicious.Forgive me if I sound a bit ignorant. I’m going by reports I hear and I’m making sweeping statements.


The last thing I don't understand about the Chinese people is that although they are very smart, advanced in technology and excellent in science and engineering, on the other hand, they are superstitious at many levels. They believe:


1、the ground up keratin from a rhinoceros horn will be medically beneficial.


2.Shark fin soup is still a thing, despite global outrage and concerns about shark populations dropping. Apparently shark fins don’t add flavour, just a bit of texture or whatever.


3.Tiger penis promotes virility. The demand is threatening tiger populations


4.The bile from Asian black bears is medicinal. It is absolutely devastating to the bears, which are endangered.


外國網友呼籲原諒日本侵略者,韓國網友怒斥... | 老外看中國

I don’t hear any outcry from Chinese people about their particular brand of animal exploitation. Or perhaps there IS an outcry, just not well publicized in my world. Please enlighten me. The recent ban on ivory in China is a good first step.


I also understand Western society has its own horror stories of the way we treat animals, such as animal testing, puppy mills, the meat industry, the fur industry, trapping, trophy hunting, etc. I get it. The only difference is that there are no superstitions fuelling it.



Hahaha, if you understand traditional Chinese medicine, you may re define the superstition in your mouth。


I have been suffering from neck pain since I was 16 years old. I go to the hospital for help again and again, but the doctor always tells me: you are healthy.


However, a trip to China changed all this. In Chengdu, China, my brother's wife, a real Chinese, told me that my perennial neck pain was caused by too much "moisture" in my body


外國網友呼籲原諒日本侵略者,韓國網友怒斥... | 老外看中國

Obviously, my education in the United States tells me that everything is absurd, but under the torture of pain, I chose to accept the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine!


So, I was taken to a shabby alley. An old man in it took out a pile of hay without name from the dark cabinet, and then put it in a small copper box to light it, and put it on my neck. It was full of the mystery of witchcraft!


A miracle happened. Just over an hour later, my neck began to feel more comfortable than ever before in the warmth. Under various painful and comfortable pressing, I felt relaxed all over!


外國網友呼籲原諒日本侵略者,韓國網友怒斥... | 老外看中國

Even today, I'm not sure whether that kind of comfort is an effective treatment, but what I want to tell you is, don't use American standards to look at some things and cognition in China, because many times we may be wrong!


However, even if the remains of some animals do have medical effects, we should not base our pain on sacrifice. Of course, the Chinese government has also objected to this. They have passed laws to protect wild animals!





