
文明五千年,歷史悠久、民族眾多,貨幣的開展更是歷程漫長、演化冗雜。自秦漢到民國,各時代遺留的錢幣實物包含了少量的政治、經濟、文明、藝術的全息歷史,蔚然大觀,且中國古錢幣傳播之久、數量之稀、形制之繁、品種之多、藝術之精,更是世界貨幣史上絕無僅有,可謂數千年中華第一財富。Five thousand years of Chinese civilization, with a long history and numerous ethnic groups, the development of currency is a long and complicated process. From the Qin and Han dynasties to the Republic of China, the coins left behind by various eras contained a small amount of holographic history of politics, economy, civilization, and art. In addition, the dissemination of ancient Chinese coins for a long time, the thinness of the number, the complexity of the shape system, the variety of varieties, and the fine art of the world's currency are unique in the history of the world. It can be described as the first wealth of China for thousands of





規格:直徑2.4cm 2.5cm2.7cm總重:11.2g




Shunzhi Tongbao was the money cast during the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty(1644-1661). In the first year of Shunzhi, the Baoyuan Bureau and Baoquan Bureau were set up in Beijing's Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Housing. After the unification of the world, the money bureaus were set up in various places. The coins were written on the coins as "Shunzhi Tongbao." Shunzhi Tongbao's copper dividends 70 %, white copper 30 %. A thousand coins is called a string. Shunzhi Tongbao initially positioned each article as one money, and later changed to one money and two cents, one money and four cents, and one money and two cents. Shunzhi Tongbao's currency has not been unified. According to the text, it can be divided into five kinds, that is, "Shunzhi five money.




規格:直徑2.4cm 2.5cm2.7cm總重:11.2g




Jiaqing Tongbao was cast during the Jiaqing period of Qing Renzong(1796-1820). It was round, with a square hole in the center, a diameter of 2cm, and a small shape. This small coin is now rare, rare, and the money body is dark. Brown coated pulp, rust proper, natural, The texture is fine brass and it is worth preserving. The text of the money face is written in regular>




規格:直徑2.4cm 2.5cm2.7cm總重:11.2g



乾隆通寶,就是由於清高宗乾隆皇帝於公元1735年即位,在位的60年裡施展其"文治武功"的治國策略,創造了封建社會里最後一個輝煌盛世,之後民間便盛傳佩帶"乾隆通寶"銅錢可驅災辟邪,又因乾隆二字諧音"錢隆"而備受後世藏家所喜愛的錢幣。該錢幣鑄於清高宗乾隆年間(1736-1795年),背面的滿文比較複雜,上面有很詳細的價格和錢幣拓片。錢面文字"乾隆通寶"以楷書書寫Qianlong Tongbao, because Emperor Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty took his place in 1735 AD, used his "Wenzhi Wugong" strategy to govern the country for 60 years and created the last glorious era in feudal society. After that, the folks rumored that wearing the "Qianlong Tongbao" copper coin could drive away evil spirits, and because the Qianlong word homonym "Qian Long" was popular with later collectors. The coin was cast during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty(1736-1795). The Manchu on the back was more complex, with a very detailed price and coins. The money face text "Qianlong Tongbao" is written in regular>




規格:直徑2.4cm 2.5cm2.7cm總重:11.2g




Recently, he was fortunate enough to solicit a "Three Emperors of the Qing Dynasty". His good taste and clear decoration were unique products of the Qing Dynasty. The ancestral coins were right, and the Tibetans demanded a low price. This coin has undergone a long period of washing and stroking during the process of circulation. The edges show a smooth visual sense, a slight flaw, a significant historical accumulation, a strong sense of age, and a very obvious historical transitional feature. It has an indescribable collection value. From the perspective of the integrity of the money text, outline, and decoration of the coins, they are well-preserved and of good quality. In addition, this group of coins has very little in existence and is very precious. Therefore, they have a high historical value and investment value. It is worth collecting!


