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眾所周知,皮膚是人體最大的器官,也是人體防禦外部傷害的最外層屏障。起初,人們認為皮膚僅是一層被動的、無意識的機械防護屏障,但隨著科學研究的深入,人們逐漸發現皮膚是能感知危險信號,並對入侵病原體採取適當防禦措施的具有主動活性的器官。在2018年Cell Press出版的《Trends in Immunology》雜誌中,發表了一篇關於皮膚屏障和皮膚免疫力的文章《Cutaneous Barriers and Skin Immunity: Differentiating A Connected Network》。文章著重論述了皮膚四層屏障(微生物屏障、化學屏障、物理屏障和免疫屏障)的不同功能特點、他們之間的互相聯繫、以及由此組成的完整屏障體系和強大防禦體系。

The skin is the outermost barrier of the organism that ensures protection from external harm. Lately, our view of the skin has evolved from an inert mechanical barrier to an active organ that can sense danger signals and mount perfectly adapted defense measures in response to invading pathogens. This Review highlights the different levels of the cutaneous barrier (the microbiome, chemical, physical, and immune barriers), their characteristics, and functional, highly interconnected network of cells and mediators that allow balanced defense measures to protect the body and maintain barrier integrity[1].





在傳統概念裡,皮膚屏障主要指的是皮脂膜加角質層的物理屏障。而《Cutaneous Barriers and Skin Immunity: Differentiating A Connected Network》一文中專門論述了皮膚的四層不同屏障及其主要功能。“微生物屏障”是皮膚屏障的最外層。皮膚表層的微生物群落組成了這層活躍、有效的“第一反應屏障”以應對外界環境狀況。皮膚細胞、皮膚免疫系統和皮膚菌群間的三重聯繫實現了微生物屏障的功能性。“化學屏障”包含著維持皮膚表面酸性pH值的因子和“天然保溼因子(NMF)”。“物理屏障”主要包括角質層、緊密連接體系(即常說的“磚牆結構”)以及它們的調節功能(調節表皮水分流失TEWL)。“免疫屏障”代表了皮膚屏障的最後部分,表皮和真皮中有著各種免疫細胞。常駐免疫細胞進一步促進屏障修復和維持肌膚平衡狀態。免疫屏障的細胞分佈在全部皮膚上,因此,免疫屏障與其他皮膚屏障又高度相關聯。

The microbiome barrier is the outermost layer of the cutaneous barriers. The microbial communities on the skin also constitute a living and ideal first response barrier to environmental factors. They act as a border post and transmit external signals to the functional immune network of the skin. The outcome of this threefold crosstalk between skin cells, the skin immune system, and skin microbiota determines the functionality of the macrobiotic barrier.

Commonly, the ‘chemical barrier’ comprises factors that contribute to the acidic surface pH and compounds that together comprise the ‘natural moisturizing factor’ (NMF) .

Important parts of the physical barrier are the SC and the system of tight junctions (TJ) and their regulation. The contents of those granules fill the acellular space of the SC, which is often referred to as ‘mortar between bricks’. These intercellular lipids provide a tight and effective barrier that also regulates trans epidermal water loss (TEWL) .

The immune barrier represents the final part of the cutaneous barrier and comprises a variety of resident immune cells populating the epidermis and dermis. Resident immune cells further contribute to barrier repair and homeostasis. Given that cells of the immune barrier are distributed all over the skin, this barrier is highly interconnected with other levels of the cutaneous barrier[1].



Barrier disruption at different levels results in microbial dysbiosis. Therefore, microbiome barrier is an integrated part of the cutaneous barriers. The diversity of the components of the cutaneous barriers, their plasticity and flexibility, together with their enormous potential to regenerate, partly rely on a well-functioning microbiome barrier. Precise orchestration of cutaneous barrier functioning through regulation of the microbial composition is a promising approach to use to intervene with disease development[1].



To restore barrier integrity, two prerequisites have to be fulfilled: initiation of tissue healing and restoration of the microbiome barrier. Whereas wound-healing responses are largely well understood, the restoration of the microbiome barrier is not and, therefore, is currently under intensive investigation[1].




參 考 文 獻

[1] Stefanie Eyerich. et al. Cutaneous Barriers and Skin Immunity: Differentiating A Connected Network [J]. Trends in Immunology, 2018,39(4):315-327. dol:10.1016/j.it.2018.02.004

[2] 閆慧敏,姜薇.人類皮膚微生物群和皮膚疾病[J].中國皮膚性病學雜誌,2015,29(12):1292-1294

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