
诺尔致敬包豪斯 | 米兰


為慶祝包豪斯學校成立100週年,著名傢俱品牌諾爾(Knoll)在米蘭國際傢俱展期間展出了由OMA/Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli與Domitilla Dardi共同策劃和設計的展覽,展場設置在Bertarelli廣場的諾爾展廳。作為對現代設計發展有著重要影響的德國學校,包豪斯的歷史與諾爾公司的歷史曾多次交織,而佛羅倫斯·諾爾(Florence Knoll)則是構成這些聯繫的一個重要人物。

Celebrating the centenary of the Bauhaus, Knoll presents an exhibition curated and designed by OMA / Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli with Domitilla Dardi at the Knoll showroom at Piazza Bertarelli during the Salone del Mobile in Milan. The Bauhaus, the German school that exerted a unique influence on the modern evolution of design, was founded 100 years ago. The school’s history is intertwined with that of Knoll in various phases, through a figure who is the fulcrum of these connections: Florence Knoll.


research collage Knoll ©OMA

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The story is told by means of four environment/clusters like theatrical stages, encouraging viewers to participate. Entering the four settings, visitors can have a direct experience of the objects and furnishings that take the leading roles, creating narrative compositions that vary in the experience of each and every participant.


model axon ©OMA

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策展人兼設計師Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli表示:“本次展陳試圖為包豪斯與諾爾之間多元的歷史聯繫賦予一種戲劇的形式。我們構建了一系列真實的道具,使不同的物品能夠處於一種理想的家庭場景之中——這是一種‘元室內’設計,它將為參觀者帶來激活和發現的可能。通過這種方式,馬賽爾·布勞耶、密斯·凡·德·羅和佛羅倫斯·諾爾等人設計的標誌性產品將與追求日常功能的現代理想形成緊密的連接,同時與其他一些有著更廣泛歷史和文化背景的物品展示出和諧的關係。” 從與諾爾的第一次合作開始,我們便嘗試以創造性的方式去詮釋‘Modern Always’的座右銘,並通過具體的案例來向20世紀的大師致以敬意。今年我們所關注的重點是那些對國際現代主義的發展有著決定意義的里程碑式的作品。”

Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli: “This installation is an attempt to give theatrical form to the multiple relations that connect the emblematic histories of the Bauhaus and Knoll. We have imagined true sets in which different objects exist in an ideal domestic scenario – a meta-interior – offering the visitor the possibility of activating and discovering them. The iconic products by Marcel Breuer, Mies van der Rohe and Florence Knoll are therefore never separated from the modern ideal of everyday functionality, and come to terms with other objects belonging to a wider historical and cultural context. Since our first collaboration with Knoll we have set out to translate the motto ‘Modern Always’ in a creative way, paying homage, case by case, to the great masters of the 20th century. This year we have focused on the milestones of a relationship that has been decisive for the construction of international modernism. ”


Collage Complexity-Contradiction ©OMA

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Collage Marcel Breuer ©OMA

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Collage Mies van der Rohe ©OMA

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Collage Florence Knoll ©OMA

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諾爾歐洲公司董事長Demetrio Apolloni表示:“米蘭設計周在全球設計界有著極其重要的地位,我們強烈地希望該項目能夠在其中成為一個具體而切實的存在,它凸顯了我們公司與現代主義運動之間的緊密關聯。”

Demetrio Apolloni, President of Knoll Europe: “We felt strongly about making this project become a concrete reality precisely during a week of such great importance for international design. It is an exhibition that underscores the strong bond between our company and the Modern Movement.”


Knoll Research diagram ©OMA

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historical materials:

advertisements and posters ©Knoll

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“Knoll Celebrates Bauhaus”首展日期為4月10日至4月19日,之後還將在巴黎、倫敦、東京、首爾和悉尼等城市進行巡展。

Knoll Celebrates Bauhaus will be on view from April 9 to April 19. After this debut, the exhibition will travel to the cities of Paris, London, Tokyo, Seoul and Sydney.


Postcard: Complexity-Contradiction ©OMA

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Postcard: Marcel Breuer ©OMA

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Postcard: Mies van der Rohe ©OMA

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Postcard: Florence Knoll ©OMA

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