“air kiss”是這個意思!

“air kiss”是這個意思!


My boyfriend blew me a kiss at the airport.


blow kiss 飛吻

經典搭配:blow sb a kiss / blow a kiss to sb

“air kiss”是這個意思!


Bruno Mars gave his fans a big air kiss from the stage.

歌手Bruno Mars(火星哥)在舞臺上給粉絲們一個大大的飛吻。

air kiss空氣之吻(字面意思);實際表示模仿親吻的動作,但是沒有實際接觸。

經典搭配:give an air kiss to sb / give sb an air kiss

(air kiss也可以表示禮儀中的碰臉吻)

Air kisses are extremely common among the French people.


“air kiss”是這個意思!


A: Lucas. Did you see that? Katy Perry is blowing us a kiss.

Lucas. 你看到了嗎? Katy Perry在向我們飛吻呢。

B: Come on. That’s Emily Blunt.

拜託。那是Emily Blunt.

(人們經常把美國歌手Katy Perry和英國演員Emily Blunt搞混)

A: Whatever. They are superstars anyway.


