
[飛行汽車 新車上市] 目前 澳大利亞天馬是唯一無需跑道 能夠垂直起飛起降 能飛能跑的飛行汽車。最大空速 190km/h、 地面速度 130km/h、飛行距離 900km。天馬飛行汽車擁有獨特的機翼摺疊和動力轉換知識產權。據該公司新聞發言人介紹,目前"Pegasus 天馬 " 分為E-Class入門級和S-Class經典級兩款車型。(單、雙座,民用、警用)並且是按照國際標準進行設計生產。目前 S級和E級產品已經接受廣大飛行車愛好者預定,該公司預計2020年交付產品。



English version

At present, Australian Tianma is the only flying car that can take off and land vertically without runway. The maximum airspeed is 190 km/h, the ground speed is 130 km/h and the flight distance is 900 km. Tianma Flying Vehicle has unique intellectual property rights of wing folding and power conversion. According to a spokesman for the company, Pegasus Tianma is currently divided into E-Class entry-level and S-Class classic models. It is designed and manufactured in accordance with international standards. At present, Class S and Class E products have been booked by the vast number of flying car enthusiasts, the company is expected to deliver products in 2020.(文/飛行汽車feiauto)

