

1. 我想要认识格林先生。

【误】I want to recognize Mr. Green.

【正】I should like to know Mr. Green.

汉语说的"认识"在上句中只能用英文的know来表达;如果照字面直译为recognize就错了,因为recognize= know again, 例如:He has changed so much that I can hardly recognize him.(他变得太厉害了,我几乎不认识他。) 原本认识的人才可以用recognize,第一次相识只能说know。

2. 他父亲破产使她不能去留学了。

【误】The bankruptcy of his father has made him impossible to go abroad.

【正】The bankruptcy of his father has made it impossible for him to go abroad.


3. 如蒙早日赐复,不胜感激。

【误】I shall appreciate very much if you will reply at your earliest convenience.

【正】I shall appreciate it very much if you will reply at your earliest convenience.

作"感激"解的appreciate是及物动词,必须接有宾语。又如:I greatly appreciate your kindness.我非常感激你的好意。

4. 他跟一个百万富翁的女儿结婚了。

【误】He married with the daughter of a millionaire.

【正】He married the daughter of a millionaire.

marry 一词用作及物动词有三个意思:①结婚。包括娶和嫁,例如:He is going to marry Mr. Wang. 他将娶王小姐为妻。She married an Englishman 她嫁给了一个英国人。May cousins marry each other?表兄妹可以结婚吗?. ② 嫁,娶媳。例如:He married his daughter to a rich man.他把女儿嫁给了一个富翁。 He married his son to an architect's. 他替儿子讨了一个建筑师的女儿做老婆。 ③主婚。例如:The Priest is going to marry them. 牧师将为他们主婚。

如果用被动语态则表示已结了婚的那种状态,例如:Tom and Alice have been married four years. 汤姆和艾丽丝已结婚四年了。They got married soon after that. 那以后他们随即就结婚了。

5. 他是一个初级中学的教员。

【误】He is a teacher of a Junior high school.

【正】He is a teacher at/in a Junior high school.

【误】I will inform you the result by WeChat.

【正】I will inform you of the result by WeChat.

7. 我昨天跟你讲的那本书要我拿给你吗?

【误】Shall I show you the book which I told you yesterday?

【正】Shall I show you the book which I told you of yesterday?

8. 健康比财富可贵。

【误】Health is precious than wealth.

【正】Health is more precious than wealth.

9. 他年轻时的勤勉,使他获得今日的地位。

【误】His diligence in his younger days made him what he is today.

【正】His diligence in his younger days has made him what he is today.

10. 我哥哥是一个跳舞迷。

【误】My brother is a dance mania.

【正】My brother has a mania for dancing.

表示对某事的着迷或狂热,英文说mania,但这个名词不能作主格补语用, 只能作动词have的宾语用。又如:He has a perfect mania for rare books. 他对珍本图书情有独钟。

11. 中国有多少人口?

【误】How many population has China.

【正】What is the population of China.

"人口"的英文population是不加"s"构成复数的,所以不能用many,但有时可以加不定冠词,例如:China has a very large population for its area. 中国以面积来说人口是很多的。这个population当然也可以作单数用,例如:population sinks. 人口降低。普通名词用作集合名词,不须加"s"形成复数,除非是下列情形:the educated populations of China and Japan.中日两国受教育的人口。

12. 那个语言中心有很多优良的设备。

【误】The language centre has many fine equipments.

【正】The language centre has much fine equipment


13. 假期从明天开始。

【误】The vacation begins from tomorrow.

【正】The vacation begins tomorrow.


14. 那地方像江南三月那样温暖。

【误】The place is as warm as March of Jiangnan.

【正】The place is as warm as Jiangnan in March.


15. 他后悔不该那样说的。

【误】He repents to have said so.

【正】He repents of having said so.

