

39. I could not recollect his name to save my life.




40. I dare say he is honest.

[誤] 我敢說他是誠實可靠的。

[正] 我想他是誠實可靠的。

41. He must needs go at once.

[誤] 他必須立刻前往。

[正] 他堅持立刻要去。

Must needs = insist on doing, 意為"主張一定要怎樣做"。參考:needs must = cannot help doing,意味"不得不"。

42. I am quite at fault.




這個at fault = at a loss或 puzzled,意為"不知所措"、"困惑"。

43. He is a man of family.



英文中有許多表現法是相當含蓄的。Of family = nobly born.

44. By trimming the sails, he tied over the crisis.



45. Living, as he does, in the country, he does not know the bustle of city life.



句首Living= As he lives. 接下來的as he does是一個插入語,是為了加強語氣而重複的說法( tautology)。

46. He is the last one I want to see today.



the last在此處有"最不……"的意思,有如:The writer should be the last man to talk

about his work.作者最不宜談論自己的作品。

47. He felt himself at home.



"at home"除了"在家"還有"舒適"、"無拘束"的意思,此處為後者。又如:Please make yourself at hom. 請不要拘束。

48. All is not gold that glitters.



All 用於否定句中僅表示部分否定,不能表示完全否定,而that 引導的定語從句系分裂式定語從句,它所修飾的詞即先行詞是all而不是gold.

49. He promised us to get to the office at one o'clock.



在 "promised us to get to the office at one o'clock" 中,不定式to do sth 的邏輯主語不是us,而是句子的主語。例如:要表示"同意或答應賓語做某事",應說allow sb to do sth或permit sb to do sth.

50. The book is above me.



Above 有"為……不及"之意,表示此意思也可用beyond,例如:the book is beyond me.而下句中的above意為"超過……範圍"、"脫離……境界",例如:He is above telling lies.他不屑撒謊。

51. He needs a dictionary badly.



badly 除了"糟糕"一意,還有"非常"、"極其"的意思,相當於to a great or serious degree。 上句也可說成He's badly in need of adictionary.

52. We're in the same boat and should help each other.



53. The old lady married her daughter last year.



marry 一詞除了有"嫁"、"娶"之意,還有"將……嫁出"或"為……娶媳婦"的意思。

54. He is strict with us, but we like him all the same.




all the same有"照樣"、"仍然"的意思,在句中作狀語。下句中的all the same 為"同樣"、"同樣的事"之意。例如:Whether he 'll come or not is all the same to me. 他來不來,對我都一樣。

55. This problem is not nearly so difficult as that one.



not nearly相當於not at all, 有"遠不及"、"一點也不"的意思;例如,要表示"幾乎不"應說almost not。除上例外,nearly一般不和否定的詞連用。

56. The elephant is as good as dead.



as good as既有"和……一樣好"的意思,又有"和……一樣"、"差不多等於……"之意。

57. Jack likes volleyball as well as basketball.



…as well as… 表示"既……又……",翻譯時強調的是前者,而not only … but also … 強調的是後者,上句可改為Jack likes not only basketball but also volleyball.

