
Is the Queen Really Ready to Step Aside to Launch ‘King Charles’?


Prince Charles is celebrating his 70th birthday, as his camp stokes rumors that the queen will abdicate soon in her son’s favor. But time, and public opinion, isn’t on his side.


The latest round of speculation about Prince Charles’ designs on the throne began with the publication of a new book by the veteran royal correspondent Robert Jobson, which contained a fascinating claim.

Jobson said that Her Majesty would retire at the age of 95 (that’s just two and a half short years away) and hand over the day-to-day business of monarchy to her son, whom she would officially appoint as regent.

It’s not a new theory—we have regularly reported the bestselling writer Christopher Andersen making the same claim on the pages of The Daily Beast—but what was different was that Jobson clearly received a high level of co-operation from within Charles’ court.

Indeed, he had even been given a sit-down interview with the prince for the book, entitled Charles at Seventy: Thoughts, Hopes and Dreams.

Then came an interview with Charles in Vanity Fair, which, helpfully for Charles, parroted what has become a key Clarence House message.

“Charles has become a proxy head of state for his mother,” the piece said, a statement which came as a surprise to those of his subjects back home in England, where Charles’ popularity ratings remain stubbornly low (just 9 percent say he is their favorite royal and only 37 percent want him to be king as opposed to 47 percent who would rather “someone else”).

The next piece of the puzzle was a BBC documentary screened in the U.K. this week, in which Charles laid down his vision for the third Caroline age, insisting he would stop ‘meddling’ in political matters when he became king.

