I'm not myself today. I'm in a spin.|實用口語

部門新來了外籍同事,主管讓口袋君講解日常工作流程。3小時講下來,英英累了,新員工也累了,嘴裡嘀咕著:I am in a spin now.口袋君有點不解,她嫌我沒講明白嗎?

In a spin=暈頭轉向

I'm not myself today. I'm in a spin.|實用口語

“spin”是旋轉的意思,“In a spin”延伸過來就是“暈頭轉向,不知如何是好”的意思。

I was in a spin after the math class.上了數學課之後我暈頭轉向。

另一個短語 to put a spin on something 意思是某人對一件事加以渲染或添油加醋,以便使其處於有利地位或博得別人對其產生好感。

The finance minister tried to put a spin on the story about rising inflation rates by suggesting it wasn't his fault.財政大臣企圖通過對通脹率上升的報道來說明這不是他的錯。



  • Get sth right 弄明白
I get this right, thanks for your explanation.我弄明白了,謝謝你的解釋。
  • Figure out 弄清楚
Finally, I figured out how to solve this math problem.最終,我弄清楚怎麼解這道數學題了。
  • Get one's head around 明白某事
The teacher tried to explain but I couldn't get his head around.老師試圖解釋,但是我不能明白。


