



① The soldiers are up in arms. ② Riot police armed themselves with batons and tear gas.



●學習單字單詞時,要把主要的意思都記起來,並且注意它們的用法。接著要注意每個字的派生詞(derivative words)的構成及用法,如:

① friend→friendly; unfriendly; unfriendliness

② secure→insecure; insecurity

satisfied all his teachers.

(b) He has done everything satisfactorily.

(c) His work is satisfactory.

(d) Has he done everything to the satisfaction of his parents, too?

如果可能的話,可以把意思相近的字集合起來,通過聯想去學習並區別它們在句子中的用法有何不同。有可能的話,順便把合成詞( compound words)也兼收幷蓄。

●必須在常用慣用語上下功夫。一般人只知生字,不大留意慣用語的存在,更不去多管慣用語的類別及構成法。比如英語慣用語中最主要的一種是片語動詞(phrasal verbs),數量很多,必須儘量學習和運用,會話或寫作都適合。例如:

① I have to brush up (on) my economics for tomorrow's test.(溫習)

② Seeing that there was much work to do, Henry decided to call off his

European trip.(取消)

③ Can the government do away with some outdated systems?(廢除)

除了片語動詞之外,其他類型的慣用語也要加強,包括下列 5 種短語:

Ⅰ. 介詞短語,如:in a nutshell; by leaps and bounds; under the weather; for the time being.

Ⅱ. 動詞短語,如:act as a brake on; Keep tabs on; make a clean breast of; get out of the rut.

Ⅲ. 名詞短語,如:child's play; a feather in one's cap; a feast for the eyes.

Ⅳ. 形容詞短語;如:regular as clockwork; palatable to; compatible with; short of; few and far between.

Ⅴ. 諺語和成語,如:all is well that ends well; give him an inch and he will take an ell; never say die; strike while the iron is hot; the early bird catches the worm.

