


Personally I think the trade that brought CP3 to the Rockets will go down as the biggest mistake in Morey's tenure and could eventually lead to his departure. Don't get me wrong because I'm really not trying to be overly critical of Morey as I do believe he is a top 5 GM in this league, but the trade for CP3 was a mistake. We gave up on young talent and surrendered too much depth considering where Paul is in his career.我个人认为交易来保罗是莫雷任期内最大的败笔,并且这可能导致他最终卷铺盖走人。不要觉得我在黑莫雷,我一直认为他是联盟前五的总经理,但交易来保罗是真不应该。为了保罗我们放走了年轻潜力新秀削弱了阵容深度,看看保罗的状态,这一切都不值得。

We wanted a star to pair with Harden so bad that we jumped on the first one within reach and that just happened to be CP3. His age and injury history seemed to be overlooked. Paul was brought here to alleviate some of the wear and tear on Harden so he could be fresh come playoff time. If this team is able to make the playoffs this season I argue that we will probably see the most worn out and tired version of Harden that we've ever seen due to his increased responsibilities in Paul's frequent absences. 我们太渴望一个球星来帮助哈登了,所以我们慌慌张张的选了一个,那个球员正好是保罗。我们忽略了保罗的年龄和伤病史。交易来保罗是为了减轻哈登肩上的担子,这样哈登就可以有足够体能在季后赛大杀四方。要是本赛季我火能打入季后赛,我觉得我们可能会看到有史以来最累的哈登,因为保罗老是缺阵,哈登肩上的担子不轻反重。

I look at this team and wonder what happened and how the hell did it happen so fast? In my opinion everything leads back to that trade. Yes, we came close to beating the Warriors last season but at what cost? You now have an aging team in cap hell that is injury prone with a non NBA talent level bench. You almost couldn't ask for a worse combination for an NBA team. I hope we miraculously turn things around because I want the Rockets to get back to winning championships as much as anyone on this board, but when I take the homer glasses off I see a team that had a 1yr window and that now needs a total rebuild outside of Harden and Capela.我在想球队打成这样到底是发生了什么事情?从上赛季联盟第一到现在的陨落为何发生的如此之快?我觉得这一切都是保罗的交易造成的。的确,我们上赛季差一点就击败了勇士,但为此我们付出了多大的代价?现在球队里都是高龄球员还容易受伤病困扰,工资帽也超了,然后替补实力还很渣。翻遍全联盟你找不到一个比我火更差的阵容组合。我希望我们能奇迹般的扭转局面,因为我跟你们一样都希望火箭能重回夺冠的道路,但当我仔细一看,去年是问鼎机会最大的一年,现在球队需要彻底重建。

You mean the trade that earned Morey the Executive of the Year award?


He went wrong when he assumed, based on his interaction with Harden and Paul that MDA and Melo would make it work.他错在他在跟哈登和保罗聊过后就以为德安东尼和甜瓜能够和谐共存。

Yes, he went wrong when he signed Anderson and horsed around with DMo instead of signing DMo. But we overcame that mistake last season. 是的,他错在签下了安德森,不签莫泰。但上赛季我们解决了这些错误。

He went wrong (at least temporarily) in signing Capela and letting Ariza and Luc walk. I think this will be rectified by trade and will become a non-issue. 他错在(至少是短期的)给了卡佩拉大合同并让阿里扎和王子离队。我觉得以后通过交易是可以弥补这些错误的。

But the Melo deal was the worst. If Morey had known Lebron was pulling CP3's leg and that MDA/Melo wasn't going to work he'd have taken a different course this past summer. And we wouldn't be so behind.但签下甜瓜是最大的败笔。如果莫雷早知道勒布朗去湖人不来火箭并且小胡子和甜瓜根本搞不到一块去,那么休赛期他肯定会有不一样的操作。我们现在也不会如此落后。

I'm going with letting Ariza walk , mainly because he cost them no assets to retain - It was just tax money and the fact that he had no way to acquire a similarly talented player as a replacement because none are / were available and if they are / were it would cost significant assets to acquire that player - assets the Rockets just don't have..我选的是让阿里扎离队,主要是因为阿里扎的离队让我们什么也没留下,只是省了税钱,并且莫雷也找不到相同水准的球员来做阿里扎的替代品,因为市场上根本没有,即使有,也得花大价钱才能弄回来,然而火箭根本搞不起。

Luc was / is injured … I wouldn't have kept him either but you had to keep one or the other then Ennis is a quality backup , not asked to be a starter.王子上赛季受伤了,现在又伤了。是我的话也不会留下王子。但王子和铁扎你怎么都该留一个吧,恩尼斯只能打替补而不是首发。

Melo was a low risk decision - it was a veterans minimum contract …. and a roster spot.签下甜瓜是低风险的,毕竟用老将底薪就签下了轮换球员。

Obviously the Anderson deal was a poor one but dictated by the market - specifically the HUGE jump in the cap that year - the same cap jump that allowed Durant to sign with those scrubs. You got to within a game of the finals with his contract on the books …. a negative but not earth shattering if you don't compound the mistake.


Trading for CP3 got you to within a game of the finals , cant complain. That $40m a year for the next 4 years is going to really hurt at some point but , you had to make that move to keep your window open. You can win with a healthy CP3. His minutes have to be managed to limit injury , no quality backup hasn't allowed for that.


They lack a couple pieces - quality backups at the 1 and 5 and a starting caliber 3/4.


Promoting bench players to starters. You're not only playing your bench against their starters but now you have no bench - except scrubs.


The Anderson contract by far


Morey knew he was overpaying for Anderson but he did it anyway for the sake of the system.


With Paul you at least get a HOFer who is the best leader the team has had since Hakeem. Anderson put this team in a bind that forced it to move Trez and Co to get Paul.至于签约保罗,你要这么看。你至少是得到了一个名人堂级别的球员呀,这是火箭自大梦后迎来的最好的领袖。是安德森的大合同导致球队不得不为了保罗交易走哈雷尔和其他球员。

OP still can't see that Chris Paul is the reason we got to a game 7, not James Harden.


You got to within a game of the finals with that contract on the books … it was bad but acceptable in that you could play him against anyone but GSW getting PJ some rest.回复:就像你说的签安德森是为了争冠,合同是给大了,但也不至于彻底是个烂合同,因为除了对阵勇士以外,安德森其他时候都能派上用场,这样也给了塔克休息时间。

The real issue is that the wing situation is horrible - you have Ennis who is a backup as your only starting option besides a guy who is playing out of position and …. doesn't belong in the league in MCW.真正的问题是侧翼太差了。恩尼斯本来是计划作为替补结果却因为没人可用不得不打首发,除此之外你只剩个在NBA打不上球的迈卡威。

And I believe that the depth issues stem from Ryan Anderson's contract. His contract is what forced us to HAVE TO trade for CP3. We wouldn't be able to sign Paul that summer outright. Paul's contract now could have been worse believe it or not. He could have demanded that 5th year.回复:我认为阵容深度方面的问题也是安德森的大合同导致的。他的大合同让我们不得不付出球员来换回保罗。我们夏天没办法直接签下保罗。你信不信,保罗的合同本可能会更糟,他本可以签5年长约的。

Looking at The assets of this team is like looking at a dollar store hoping you can find high quality merchandise.看着球队阵容就像在逛一元店希望能捡到宝。

First of all, anyone says Melo deal was the worst idea is just stupid and know nothing of Basketball. Melo was cheap low risk gamble. It doesn't put any financial constraints on us. Low risk high potential gamble.首先,那些说甜瓜的签约是莫雷最大的黑点的都是傻叉根本不懂球。签甜瓜是一个低成本低风险的赌博。签下他对球队并没有薪金上的影响。这是一个低风险高回报的赌博。

CP3 signing was a must have wink wink deal we did. We knew and had to pay CP3 knowing all the risks prior to the trade and it got us one hamstring from a championship. Therefore that was not a bad deal. CP3 is still one of the best pg in the league right now.而保罗的交易肯定是涉及内幕的。在交易前我们就知道一切风险,就因腿筋受伤我们错过了总冠军。所以,换来保罗并不是个烂交易。现在保罗还是联盟中最好的控卫之一。

Signing Anderson to that contract was the worst move, because he was clearly doesn't worth that amount. We were given him that contract solely due to the financial market at the time, where every team got huge amount of cap. Additionally, we tried to fix that problem by trading for two injury prone and a bust player. That trade started off the whole mess we are in right now.给安德森大合同才是莫雷最大的败笔,因为很明显安德森不值那个价。我们给他大合同只是市场行情所致,当时每支球队的工资帽都大涨。此外,我们为了送走这个大合同吞下了两个有伤病属性的球员,其中一个还是个废柴。这个交易之后,后面一切都乱套了。

The Melo deal stopped us from pursuing other rotation pieces because Morey was assuming he'd get regular rotation minutes, and we'd be good enough to go to the deadline and do our shopping for serious championship horses at that time. The MDA/Melo fiasco basically left us void of 30 minutes a game to fill. We're patching it with Ennis/Clark/Isaiah and those guys should be getting spot minutes at best. You compound that issue with the fact that Paul has been injured and suspended and you have what we are. 回复:签了甜瓜我们就没有再去追求其他轮换球员,因为莫雷以为甜瓜可以有稳定的轮换时间,在交易截止日前甜瓜是够用的。然后在那个时候再为了冲击总冠军招兵买马。小胡子和甜瓜的不欢而散让我们现在每场要填30分钟的空缺。我们在用恩尼斯克拉克哈滕和那些没啥出场机会的球员填甜瓜走后的空缺。后来保罗又是受伤又是停赛的,所以我们才搞成现在这样的局面。

He didn’t go wrong anywhere. If we have a healthy roster we’re right there with everybody else莫雷没有错。如果我们的阵容是健康的,我们肯定在本属于我们的位置。

The CP3 trade was one of the best things he's ever done. That may have been the greatest Rockets team ever if not for injuries. 交易来保罗是莫雷最赞的交易之一。如果不是伤病,去年就是最好的火箭阵容了。

Unfortunately, that trade seemed to come with a handshake agreement about CP3's current contract. It looks bad now for sure. But if we had won it all last year, it would have been worth it. Oh well.不幸的是,保罗的交易肯定是附带他现有合同的内幕条款的。这个大合同现在看起来肯定很糟糕。但如果我们去年拿到了总冠军,这个合同就值了。哎,好吧。

CP3 contract was the stupidest and least analytical thing Morey could have ever done. Why would anyone pay top dollar for even a Ferrari if it’s known to have upwards of 100000 miles and known engine trouble? Stupid.给保罗四年1.6亿是莫雷做的最愚蠢最不经脑袋的事情。为什么会有人明知一辆法拉利已经跑了10万英里并且发动机有毛病还会为其付大价钱呢? 脑袋被门夹了。

Again the romanticized notion that “we just need more All stars” is what seduced Morey into bad decisions. 再说一次,就是那句听烂了的“我们需要更多的巨头”害得莫雷昏招连连。

Meanwhile, look at the Clippers! The whole roster there has all the makings of a Morey constructed team. Yeoman roster with that great work spirit we so miss this year plus a good balance of talent. 同时,看看快船队!阵容里有莫雷魔球型球队所需的一切球员。人家的阵容配置,球队的化学反应以及人才的均衡,都令人羡慕不已。

You don’t pay top dollar for aging super stars. Much less give them four years guaranteed! Especially when ur budget is kept effectively flat. 你不该为走下坡路的超级球星给出大合同。你还在空间不够的时候给的4年全额保障!

To do so is not intelligent risk taking. It’s gambling. Pure and simple.


Chris Paul is going to handicap the Rockets for years. He’s is still a good player, but what was given up for him and the subsequent contract that he signed will ultimately kill this team and will probably be Morey’s undoing. There isn’t any getting out of this one like he did with Ryan Anderson. Unless he magically figures out a way to stop time and the aging process, I’m afraid that bad contract might look like a franchise killer two years from now.保罗的合同对火箭的伤害会是多年的。他仍旧是个好球员,但是为他付出的球员以及后面签的这个大合同会害死火箭队的,这都得莫雷背锅。不像安德森的合同,保罗的大合同是甩不掉的。除非莫雷会像灭霸一样停止时间并冻龄,我觉得保罗的合同在今后两年都对火箭伤害不小。

The Anderson contract has probably been the Rockets biggest handicap in recent years. A lot of teams made contract mistakes during the cap spike by expecting continuous large increases. 给安德森开的大合同估计是火箭近年最大的败笔。很多球队在工资帽大涨时都犯了错误,他们以为工资帽每年都会大幅上涨。

Even though fans will complain about how much stars are making, the biggest problem for teams and cap and trade flexibility are usually the non-stars and role players who they give too much money too.即使球迷抱怨球星挣太多,但球队,工资帽和交易灵活度上最大的问题其实是管理层也给非球星和角色球员开太大的合同了。

signing Ryno...he was worthless and costing us 20 mil, and then u trade him and get nothing of value that has helped us so far this season必须是安德森的签约,他一无是处还花了我们两千万,然后你把他交易出去却换来的都是对我们没有任何帮助的球员。

Did you really just say trading for Paul will be his biggest error, when trading for Paul launched us into true title contention, and allowed us to be on the verge of toppling the greatest basketball team ever formed你们真的认为交易来保罗是莫雷最大的黑点?交易来保罗让我们真正成为总冠军竞争者,他让我们差一点把有史以来组建的最好的球队(勇士)给拉下马。

Are you kidding me?


it is sad to me how many people like you don't understand the concept of opportunity cost. the rockets would not have been able to spend that money on other players. Lol你们这些人完全不懂什么叫机会成本,我太失望了。即使不签保罗,火箭也没办法用这些钱去签其他球员。

Someone gets it! So many idiots here. Just like the ESPN analysts blaming morey for not retaining Ariza. Not only was he 15mio but add luxury tax on top. Be realistic. Its not 2K回复:终于有懂行的了。论坛里太多傻子。就像ESPN分析员怪莫雷没有留住阿里扎。阿里扎要价1500万呀,而且还要付奢侈税。现实点吧,不是在打2K。

Throwing in First Round Picks Every Year makes a huge setback in the Roster Players Age, Youth, Athleticism, Talent Gap having a 1st Rd talent than the Rockets Players now with late 2nd Rd Players, Undrafted Rookies who are struggling to fit in right away. 1st Rd Talent are Rotation Ready if you Draft Correctly, which Daryl has been reckless throwing away 1st Rd Picks.每年把首轮签都交易出去对球队球员的平均年龄,年轻度,运动能力和天赋储备都有影响。现在火箭队都是一些二轮秀和落选新秀,他们没办法马上融入球队体系。如果你选的好的话,你的首轮秀是可以立马进轮换阵容的,但是莫雷近些年老是不要首轮签。

Weird how all of GS's main players stay in the same situation and ours left as soon as able.好奇怪,勇士的核心球员一直都在阵中而火箭的球员一个走的比一个快。

Multiple championships will make it easier for them to stay. And knowing that the management value long term chemistry.回复:总冠军会更容易把他们凝聚在一起。而且你要知道的是,人家的管理层更看重化学反应的长期稳定性。

Probably has something to do with them being an all time great team and having a top 3 player willingly take a paycut to play for an all time great team.回复:这几个核心球员一直在一起可能跟他们在一个史上最佳的球队有关,并且队内最好的三个球员还愿意降薪来效力这支史上最佳球队。

GSW will have to make hard decisions like the Rockets did this last offseason as the cap effects them too. They can't keep Curry, Thompson, Draymond, and Durant.


Truthfully, things went wrong when we decided to compete against an all time great team in the GSW.老实讲,当我们决定要跟史上最佳的勇士队争冠军的时候,一切都乱套了。

