





(1) 你先用“英語讀英語”默讀幾遍。注意:你讀的時候,耳朵清晰地“聽到”自己大腦裡的“讀書聲”了嗎?每個英語發音都如此“清晰清楚”,每個“聲音”似乎都能清晰地“帶出”“字形”。做不到這點,你的英語口語還差得很遠呢。

Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西·巴頓斯

I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and drank the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. Later a neighbour told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house




Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西·巴頓斯

1. I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street.

Well, when we move to a house, we change our place of living(residence) from one place to another place.When you change your place of living, we say you move.


Well, a house and a home are different though sometimes we say a house is a home and a home is a house.

A house is a building for staying for a short time or for working in. A home is the place where our family live. A hotel is a big house that has many rooms.But it is not our home.An office is a house.But it is not our home.Our parents, our brothers and sisters don't live there.

2. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.

Well, yesterday is the day before today, is the the day proceeding today,is the day that proceeds today. The day after today, or follows today is called tomorrow.

A beggar is a very poor man. He has no job, has no money, has no home. A beggar makes a living by asking people for food. A beggar begs for a living.

見到a beggar,能“逼”自己把學過的英語make a living“說出來,用起來”嗎?只說的出中文“乞丐”嗎?

3. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.

Well, when a beggar asks for a meal and a glass of beer, he begs for a meal and a glass of beer.

A meal is our breakfast,our dinner or our lunch, or any food or snacks we eat.

Beer is a kind of drink.

4. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.

When we do something in return for something else, we do sonething in exchange of something else.

In return of means in exchange of

When we stand on our head, we stand upside down.

5. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and drank the beer.

Well,food is something or anything like water, like bread, like rice,like meat,like vegetable we eat to stop our hunger.

6. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away.

When we go away, we leave.

A pocket is like a bag in our clothes or pants for holding or keeping something

7. Later a neighbour told me about him.

Well, later means after some time.

Well, your neighbor is someone who lives next door to you.

見到neighbor,說不出live next door to?

8.Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house

Well, everybody means you, I ,he or she,or all of us.

When we call at someone, we visit someone at his home.



這是個漫長的過程,不是“三個月搞定”的 Dream




