

cyber attack


The US ramped up pressure on Russia over cyber attacks, including Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential elections, as it unveiled sanctions on individuals and entities including Russian intelligence services.


The move comes amid intense pressure on Donald Trump to take harsher action against President Vladimir Putin as the US president fends off allegations that his election campaign was aided by Russia. Tension between Russia and the West have escalated further in recent days following the attempted murder of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in a nerve agent attack in the UK this month.

此举的背景是唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)受到强大压力,要求他对俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)采取更加严厉的行动,与此同时美国总统拒不承认有关他的竞选活动得到俄罗斯暗中相助的指控。前双面间谍谢尔盖•斯克里帕尔(Sergei Skripal)及其女儿本月在英国遭遇神经毒剂袭击后,俄罗斯与西方之间的紧张近日进一步升级。

On Thursday, the leaders of the US, France and Germany joined Britain’s prime minister in blaming Russia for the attack. The US Treasury said the recent use of a military-grade nerve agent in an attempt to murder two UK citizens was sign of “reckless and irresponsible conduct” by the country’s government.


The Treasury department said it was designating five entities and 19 individuals in response to what Steven Mnuchin, Treasury secretary, called “nefarious attacks”.

美国财政部表示,为回应财长史蒂文•姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin,上图)所称的“穷凶极恶的攻击”,该部把五个实体和19名个人列入制裁名单。

In its statement, the Treasury department said Russian government cyber actors have since 2016 targeted US government entities and “multiple US critical infrastructure sectors” — among them energy, nuclear, commercial facilities, water, aviation, and manufacturing.


A senior national security official said the US had discovered that cyber actors conducted network reconnaissance on the systems that run US factories and America’s energy grid. The breach of the grid has alarmed national security officials and bears out long-held concerns at the Pentagon that Moscow will seek to disable critical US infrastructure.

