
作 者:Bing chan

排 版: 拾 叄




Neil H. Wasserman,喬治華盛頓大學副教授,Fintech4Good董事會成員,致力於區塊鏈健康醫療應用的設計及應用方向研究。Neil教授的區塊鏈課程是喬治華盛頓大學計算機科學學院首創的區塊鏈課程。Neil教授本人本科畢業於康奈爾大學,擁有哈佛大學博士學位。


Neil H. Wasserman教授









Bingchan: During our previous communication, you majorly teach blockchain-related graduate courses. Therefore among all those projects conducted by your students, are there any projects that are worthwhile and could be put into real use?


Neil:The course I teach is called “Blockchain Fundamentals.” It focuses on building skills in both blockchain technology and in analyzing the business requirements for blockchain implementation. The students develop “use cases,” which are basically business and technical designs to use blockchain to solve a problem in the world. The class contains mostly graduate students in computer science, but also students from other departments by invitation. The students work on projects and learn blockchain technology by addressing real problems. I think most of the students are really socially committed, so the problems they choose to address concern issues that make people’s lives better. Here are some examples.





One student group developed a simple way of using blockchain to track homeless people, to give them a secure identity and way of spending money. The team developed a biometric means of confirming the identity of the homeless person, which is valuable since homeless people don’t necessarily carry a cellphone. With the biometric ID they can access services without having cellphones. This system can then be integrated with payment systems, distribution of governmental support, etc.



Another group developed a second-hand trading system for college students, who may have furniture and books they no longer need. The blockchain system will be used to create a trading capability similar to EBay, but with social connections and lower transaction fees.



One innovative project uses blockchain to track objects in space to reduce the possibility of collisions. This model can also be applied to other examples of slowly changing complex systems, such as global water resources.



Bingchan:During your trip in China, You have gotten in touch with many Chinese domestic blockchain projects and from your point of view, what is the biggest challenge for those projects putting into real use? Do you have any suggestions for Chinese blockchain entrepreneurs?



Any American visiting China would be very impressed by the dynamism, creative energy of students, the dynamism of the country in general. Energy is contagious, building subways, bridges and buildings, creating technology with so much energy. In the US as well, most students realize that if they want to do something meaningful and interesting, they have to be innovative. My advice is to start with the business problem you want to solve, not with the technology. Blockchain may or may not be essential to the business model. That is a question that needs to be resolved.


One important thing to understand about blockchain technology is that blockchain applications are essentially multidisciplinary. Blockchain applications depend on data science, cryptography, machine learning, legal analysis, and other fields. What I tell my students is that they should focus not only on blockchain, but also pay attention to the interface between blockchain and other disciplines. This will enable them to have a unique capability for realizing business value from blockchain applications.


blockchain technology is a collection of technologies relating to multiple disciplines and the disciplines that inform the application of blockchain technology: smart contract, business models, decentralization and centralization, AI to filter information that might be useful for the population; data science and data livings. Be able to focus, turn data into meaningful, action information.


What I told my students is that they should focus not only in blockchain, but also the interface between blockchain and other disciplines which make them much more valuable comparing with just focusing on blockchain.



Bingchan: Now there are still a few blockchain applications, and there's not any unicorn in the world. So for a blockchain technology-based initiative with an ambition to become a unicorn, what kind of qualities shall it equip with?


Neil: Actually, there are unicorns in the worlds of cryptocurrency and blockchain. A number of early investors in cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and businesses built on blockchain platforms have attained valuations of more than $1 billion. But I would advise my students not to try to be unicorns. They are called unicorns because few of them exist, and it is far more sensible to aim to be successful in building a business that attains more reasonable valuation of, say, $100 million, which is rare in itself. The key objective should be to create something of value in the world, to follow a business model that makes sense from the customer’s point of view. The focus should be on creating real value and applying blockchain techniques in a way that is both innovative and consistent with solving an important problem and providing a new capability.



Bingchan: I know that you are interested in healthcare, especially the healthcare research about population-based behavior change. I strongly agree that blockchain will play a huge role in health care. Therefore as far as you are concerned, in a blockchain-oriented world, what are the major application scenes in the respect of health care?


Neil: There are many potential applications for blockchain in healthcare. In a sense healthcare, like any business depends upon transactions, including payments, access to data, delivery of services, and other transaction-based business processes.


Blockchain can make such transactions more efficient and more accessible since any authorized person or system can connect to the blockchain environment, and this can be accomplished independent of a central authority. Blockchain can be used to provide incentives for desired behaviors on the part of patients and providers, and it can be used to manage supply chains for medical products, including drugs and devices. One major challenge in the healthcare system is that multiple providers may be associated with a given patient. The typical older patient, for example, has multiple chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure and other diseases requiring attention.


But the health care industry is structured to create walls between disciplines associated with a particular chronic condition. Proper care for the patient may require bridging those gaps. Blockchain has the potential to help create an integrated environment in which access to multiple sources of data and multiple providers can treat the patient as a whole. Ideally, the blockchain environment can connect to all participants in the care of the patient, , the providers, the care coordinators, the insurers. There must be incentives for participation in such a system, including incentives for shared access to data. Eventually, I think there will partnerships among the people who pay for services, the patients, the providers, and the government to ensure that health services can take advantage of these technologies.



Bingchan: As the infrastructure technology of crypto currency, blockchain has always caught the attention from global financial sectors. At present some countries have already launched crypto currency payment and do you think it will be a future trend? How do you regard the relationship between crypto currency and blockchain technology?





Neil:I think it is both good and bad that blockchain is associated with cryptocurrency. The good part is that cryptocurrency made the potential of blockchain visible to investors and innovators because some people made a lot of money very quickly. This is similar to what happened with the dotcom boom and the Internet. But very few of the original dotcom companies are still around. Now the get-rich-quick opportunities with cryptocurrency may be fading. The bad part is that sometimes people became interested in blockchain technology for the wrong reasons. The value of blockchain technology is really separate from cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is simply one application of blockchain, an example of the ability to create multiple transaction records and arrive at consensus in a decentralized environment. For now, the Chinese government has not supported the use of cryptocurrency. That may be a good thing because it encourages people to focus on the business value of blockchain as opposed to manipulation of cryptocurrency. Regarding the future of cryptocurrency, I think it will play a significant role in payments, incentives and financing. Integrating cryptocurrency with blockchain applications may be useful if it is part of the business model, providing real value to participants in the blockchain application environment. There are multiple ways of creating an object that represents value whether it is a gold coin, dollar or other currency. Nevertheless, cryptocurrency presents challenges for public services and governments because transactions that involve cryptocurrencies can be hidden from normal government regulatory oversight. Government revenue typically depends on transparency of transactions. Government has to pay attention to making sure that public needs are balanced against the opportunities for encouraging private initiative and innovation.



In summary, cryptocurrency is not the most important application of blockchain. Personally, my focus is not on cryptocurrency but on using blockchain to create business value and improve people’s lives by addressing critical challenges in areas such as healthcare and climate change. My students share that commitment to using blockchain to improve the conditions under which people live.


Personally I don’t know any crypto currency except for a few companies I connect, they give me some of their crypto currency as part of relationship, but I don’t think it works, my focus is the application of blockchain that could exerts impacts on the world.

● 完事了?不,教授還有話要講~


Comment: One thing I learned in my travels in China is the synergy among government agencies, investors, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and researchers at the major universities to create an environment that sustains innovation and supports an infrastructure for economic growth. I would like to understand at a deeper level how these elements of Chinese society work together to create both physical connectivity and economic connectivity with communications and active business networks. I look forward to building on the friendships I made in China to create productive partnerships with initiatives in the US and other parts of the world.

