瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感


Tomorrow world design center is a temporary building left over from the Shanghai World expo, Over the years, there have been several different owners, they have undergone various modifications to the interior of the building, So the final structure of the internal structure is relatively complex.


Party A wants to do a public welfare project which is free of charge to designers and free for the display of furniture.

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感


The original structural framework has become very confusing after several times of structural transformation, but surprisingly this unintentional confusion naturally reveals the strength and beauty moment which can instantly touch people.

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感


Therefore, it is the direction of the overall design and technical requirements to retain and to expose the original steel structure of spherical grid, and to extend the traces of original steel structure.

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感


To the bare messy beautiful feeling, deliberately did not avoid in the design of the wall and the trace of the original structure of hard hit, but let it like a sculpture exists in wall body, forming a three-dimensional picture.

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感


In addition, the original building is a single layer membrane structure, it makes a huge loss of entire indoor energy. In order to save energy, and to retain the momentum of the spherical grid of the and the beauty of the bare structure in the meanwhile, we put a layer of transparent film indoor after consulted with the material company.

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感



Natural light shines through the membrane structure throughout the room. So in the main colors, we choose the combination of a relatively light gray and the wood color, So that the first feeling is very easy, but also it is very consistent with the variability of the space.

For example, we often change the layout in the event of activities or display furniture, the clean and soft light can make it easier to achieve the desired effect

•公共區域 | 樓梯連廊

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感



There should be a large public activity area in this public welfare project for the activities, exchanges, receptions, press conferences, lectures, etc.,

so the functional partition is set up with the office, public areas, product display area, conference rooms, cafes, etc. In this way, the space is very active, and there will be sense of communication between space and space.•辦公空間

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感


In order to remove the atmosphere of conventional office building , we also planted a lot of plants and set up multiple stairs indoors, people can walk freely in this space

•課程培訓 | 會議發佈

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感


瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感


瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感


瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

方案調整 | 現場跟進

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

瞬間打動人的力度和美感-裸露凌亂 立體雕塑感

