


9日,特朗普發推稱福特應該把福克斯系列生產線搬回國內,以避免繳納高額關稅。但福特可沒有輕易“接單”,算盤一響,這個家搬的恐怕得不償失:公司高管Mike Levine在推文中回應:由於預計年銷售量不足5萬輛,在美生產福克斯恐將“無利可圖”。


US president Donald Trump’s advice for American car maker Ford to move its Focus Active production line back home was declined by the firm.

Ford put its feet down on Sunday in a statement which said that the transference, floated by Trump in a tweet earlier the same day, would not be profitable “given an expected annual sales volume of fewer than 50,000 units and its competitive segment”.

But the carmaker added that it will expand its production on US soil to increase the profit margin in North America to 10 percent.


Trump’s tweet was a response to Ford’s August decision to halt its plan to sell Focus cars that were assembled overseas due to his tariff threat, which he hailed in the tweet as the first step towards the carmaker moving the model’s production back home, before Ford crossed the option off.

Earlier in 2018, the company had already hinted at a change in its focus as James Farley, president of global markets for Ford, said the firm has been “shifting from cars to utilities”.

"It's not that automakers can't make money on sedans," said Jeff Schuster, analyst for LMC Automotive to the CNN, "but if consumers want something that produces better margins, that's where the focus is going to be."




Ford isn’t the first conglomerate to ignore the President’s call for relocating its production base. Tech company Apple has also been a target of the President’s tweets.


A day after the tech giant sent a letter to US trade representative Robert Lighthizer, questioning Trump’s threatened tariffs on China, the US president called on the company to “make products in the United States” on Twitter.

Apple hasn’t commented on the tweet, but in the letter, it said "because all tariffs ultimately show up as a tax on US consumers, they will increase the cost of Apple products that our customers have come to rely on in their daily lives."



