步步跟新概念2冊第73課《The record-holder》詞彙篇

步步跟“每日一講” 針對新概念、中考的課文進行重點剖析,針對聽力、詞彙、語法進行梳理和講解,講堂每天都會和大家在一起分享英語知識喲,大家不見不散~

步步跟新概念2冊第73課《The record-holder》詞彙篇


重點單詞:unimaginative、truant 、shame、meantime、lorry、evade、border


Children who play truant from school are unimaginative.

步步跟新概念2冊第73課《The record-holder》詞彙篇

Children who play truant from school are unimaginative.

步步跟新概念2冊第73課《The record-holder》詞彙篇

They have all been put to shame by a boy who, while playing truant, travelled 1,600 miles.

步步跟新概念2冊第73課《The record-holder》詞彙篇

When he woke up next morning, he discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais.

步步跟新概念2冊第73課《The record-holder》詞彙篇

No one noticed the boy as he crept off. From there, he hitchhiked to Paris in a lorry.

步步跟新概念2冊第73課《The record-holder》詞彙篇

The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border.

步步跟新概念2冊第73課《The record-holder》詞彙篇

There he was picked up by a policeman and sent back to England by the local authorities. He has surely set up a record for the thousands of children who dream of evading school.

步步跟新概念2冊第73課《The record-holder》詞彙篇


1、Children who play truant from school are unimaginative.

play truant from school = play truant 逃學

As a boy, Tom used to play truant (from school).

2、A quiet day's fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get.


eight hours' seeing the film


Three hours in the room,It is tiring.

Three hours(') listening to the teacher is tiring.

Three hours in the room listening to the teacher is tiring.

Events such as the March 5th shooting at a high school in San Diego bring the problem into focus.


over and over again = again and again 一次又一次,一再地,反覆許多次地

As my grandmother can’t hear very well, I had to say it over and over again.

as far as +從句 最大程度……,到……程度,就……而言

As far as I know, his operations successful.

3、They have all been put to shame by a boy who, while playing truant, travelled 1,600 miles.

while 引導時間狀語從句,一般放在前面或後面,放在中間就加上逗號。while doing 省略句,省略了主語和be 動詞,這個主語一定就是主句的主語。

put…to shame 使……蒙羞,使……相形見絀

What he has done put his parents to shame.

He saved the child at the risk of his own life and put all those who looked on to shame.


4、He hitchhiked to Dover and, towards evening, went into a boat to find somewhere to sleep.

hitchhike to… 搭便車去……

Dover n. 多佛(英國著名的港口)

towards evening 快到晚上

somewhere to sleep 可以睡覺的地方

anything to do/drink 可以做的事/可以喝的東西(這裡to do 做定語)

5、When he woke up next morning, he discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais.

wake up 自己醒來

Calais n. 加來(法國城市)

in the meantime 在此期間

I feel tired and would like to take a nap. In the meantime, you may do some reading.

6、No one noticed the boy as he crept off.

creep off = creep away


① vi. 爬行,匍匐,(像爬行似地)慢慢前進

The old car crept along the country road.

A snake crept into the garden while she was writing a letter.

② vi. 悄悄地/躡手躡腳地走;漸漸產生/出現

We crept upstairs so as not to wake Grandpa.

He noticed that age had crept on him.

7、The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border.

take … into 帶到……

not…but… 不是……而是……

as sb. hoped 正如某人所希望的

I became a good teacher as my mother hopes.

than sb. expected 比某人所期待的還……

Don't ask what the country do for you, but ask what you do for the country.

the French-Spanish border 法國與西班牙的邊界 (邊界地帶屬於哪個地方由第一個國籍確定)

8、There he was picked up by a policeman and sent back to England by the local authorities.

pick up 逮捕,拘捕

After the accident, he was picked up by the police.



1.You are ___(沒想象力的).Don't dream of being an artist.

2.You can't go on ____(逃避) your responsibilities in this way.

3.A heavy ___ (卡車) floundered about in deep snow.

4.To my ___(羞愧), I made such a silly mistake again.

5.The river lies on the ___ (邊界) between the two countries.

6.The boy gave the teacher a song and dance about his being ill as an excuse for ___ (逃學).


1.Give me a direct answer,and stop ___ the issue.

A. escaping B. evading C. hiding D. invading

2.--I'm too busy to go to the cinema with you,John. --___ .The film is said to be a very good one.

A. I'm so sorry B. It's too disappointed C. That's all right D. What a shame

3.He is an ___ person who does everything by the book.

A. imaginary B. unimaginative C. unimaginable D. unimagined

4.In the ___,I would express my sincere thanks to you for whatever you've done for me.

A. meaning B. meantime C. meanwhile D. worthwhile


