
近日,國際法律界著名雜誌《亞洲法律雜誌》(Asian Legal Business, ALB)公佈了湯森路透2018 ALB CHINA 十佳成長律所獲獎名單,匯業律師事務所榮列其中。繼去年獲獎之後,這是匯業再度榮獲此項殊榮。

Recently, the Asian Legal Business (ALB), a well-known magazine in international legal profession, announced the awards list of Thomson Reuters 2018 ALB China Top Ten Growth Law Firms. Hui Ye law firm was well listed in it. After winning the award last year, Hui Ye has won the award this year again.



The selection methods of ALB Top Ten Growth Law Firms mainly consider the following indexes: the increase of the charge clients, the new core partners and business areas, the new important clients, the newly-opened offices, the new business areas, the growth amount of turnover and other related expansion indexes, etc.


Hui Ye law firm has achieved a profit growth rate of up to 42% in 2017. Mr. Yang Guosheng, the Chairman of Hui Ye Management Committee believes that, in the respect of making the management system in law firms, the management system can be regarded as a superposition of the dynamic decision-making system and the informational quality management system, such as the difference between the statute law and the case law. The former emphasizes that the rules and regulations shall be set up well first, and the latter can keep the flexibility of case by case. Due to the fact that keeping dynamics by system itself can reflect the eras and adapt to the needs best, the management of law firms can also reference to the flexibility of “the case law”. However, even though the “statute law” is good, how do policy makers ensure that their decision-making judgments are consistently correct? Therefore, Hui Ye has adopted a flexible path that extracting the values respectively from “the statute law” and “the case law” in terms of management system.


Hui Ye deems that the central enabler of a law firm with rapid and steady growth comes from the fact that such law firm clearly understands its own goals, missions and philosophies, which will effectively guide the law firm in making the correct decisions and choices at different stages of development. At the present stage, Hui Ye is vigorously promoting the development of industrialization of the team, and has established several business groups that related to many fields such as the Internet, the luxury goods and the biology and medical services, etc., which timely and well satisfy the needs of clients for legal services of those business in front lines. Although these inputs of business cannot immediately obtain the effect results, since the clients require such legal services, Hui Ye law firm will deeply work in these industry fields that closely keeping up with the market dynamics unswervingly.


Hui Ye law firm is a leading comprehensive law firm with expertise in commercial legal services in our country, which has excellent integration capabilities for legal and commercial resources. Hui Ye law firm strives to satisfy the clients’ demands for the comprehensive and multi-tiered legal services, with industry-leading advantages in various professional fields such as corporate governance and compliance, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property rights, international trade and investment, antitrust and anti-unfair competition, labor and human resources, bankruptcy liquidation, financing leasing and maritime and maritime commerce as well as dispute settlement, etc. It also has extensive project experience and excellent insights in various fields such as the energy and environmental protection, medical and health and Internet and entertainment industries, and providing efficient and superior legal services for hundreds of multinational companies and large and medium-sized domestic enterprises in the above fields in long term.

