大醫精誠志願者服務2018北京國際鐵人三項賽 Beijing Triathlon Medical Volunteers


Beijing International Triathlon 22 Sep


The time for Beijing International Triathlon Tournament is September 22 to 23, 2018. Both the race services and game environment of Beijing Triathlon have been highly praised.


As the only qualifying race in Asia for US San Francisco "Escape from the Alcatraz Island" Triathlon games, Beijing Triathlon will select 50 players for next year's entry. Many domestic and foreign players have been attracted to Beijing in 2018.

大医精诚志愿者服务2018北京国际铁人三项赛 Beijing Triathlon Medical Volunteers


Venue: Beijing Fengtai Garden Expo



9月22日 - 半程奧運距離 (750米游泳,20公里自行車,5公里跑步)

September 22 - Halfway Olympic distance (750 meters swimming, 20 km bike, 5 km running)

9月23日 - 奧運距離 (1500米游泳,40公里自行車,10公里跑步)

September 23 - Olympic distance (1500 meters swimming, 40 km bike, 10 km running)


Race route: Beijing Fengtai District Sports Bureau and the event organizer US International Management Group (IMG) signed the agreement in 2012 that Beijing International Triathlon Competition holds in Fengtai every year. 1.5 km of swimming is in the garden expo park Lake. In the 40 km bike race, the players will be in the park road, wide highway, country road, curved mountain road and other different sections to experience the fun of the track. In the garden park for 10 km of running, the athletes can enjoy the Chinese garden, European garden and many other different views.



Triathlon is a kind of a long distance sports with high physical exertion. Therefore, the physical quality requirements of the contestants is very high. Even if the preparation is very comprehensive, some unexpected situations still may happen, such as skin abrasions, dehydration, drowning, fractures, asthma attacks, and even sudden death. Therefore, sports safety is very important.


2018 Beijing Triathlon organizers have arranged a very strong medical emergency team, supported by this medical self-media DAYIJINGCHENG. An 8-member team was established with medical doctors professional in sports-related injuries.


Since there are significant number of foreign players in the competition, English is the main communication language. Therefore, Dayi Jingcheng arranges several English volunteers at the same time. Dayi Jingcheng will assist the official medical team to work and make a little effort to protect the safety of athletes.


Participants health checklist


You are NOT suggested to participate in the race if:

1. 先天性心臟病和風溼性心臟病患者;

You have congenital heart disease or rheumatic heart disease.

2. 高血壓和腦血管疾病患者;

You are suffering from hypertension or cerebrovascular disease.

3. 心肌炎和嚴重心律失常者;

You are patients with myocarditis or severe arrhythmia.

4. 冠狀動脈病病史;

You have a history of coronary artery disease.

5. 血糖不穩定的糖尿病患者;

You were diagnozed as diabetes but the blood glucose is unstable.

6. 哮喘急性期或慢阻肺患者;

Acute exacerbation of asthma or COPD.

7. 孕婦;

You are pregnant.

8. 下肢靜脈血栓或其他外周血管疾病;

Venous thrombosis or other peripheral vascular disease.

9. 比賽日前兩週以內患重感冒或嚴重腹瀉者;

You have severe cold or diarrhea within two weeks before the competition

10. 其他不適合運動的疾病患者。

Other patients who are not suitable for strenuous exercise.


Pre-competition health checklist

1. 您是否被診斷過哮喘、癲癇、心律失常、高血壓、冠心病、腦卒中、糖尿病、嚴重失眠,腸胃道疾病等?

Are you diagnosed with asthma, epilepsy, arrhythmia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, severe insomnia, gastrointestinal diseases?

2. 您直系親屬中是否有猝死、腦卒中、哮喘、癲癇等患者?

Do you have immediate death, stroke, asthma, epilepsy and other patients in your immediate family?

3. 您最近一次全身體檢是在一年以內嗎?

Did your last physical examination be within a year?

4. 賽前2周內患感冒發燒、胸悶憋氣、心悸症狀連續三天以上?

2 weeks before the season, are you suffering from a fever, chest tightness suffocation, palpitations for more than three consecutive days?

5. 安靜時心率達90次/分,血壓在140/90毫米汞柱以上?

When quiet, your heart rate is over 90 beats / min or blood pressure is above 140/90mmHg?

6. 賽前72小時內有外傷史?

72 hours before the race, did you have a trauma history?

7. 安靜時呼吸頻率達24次/分或有憋喘窒息感?

Quiet breath rate of 24 times / min or have suffocate suffocation?

8. 賽前1周內體溫在攝氏37.5度以上;

1 week before the race, was your body temperature above 37.5 Celsius?

9. 肝功能異常(如:轉氨酶、膽紅素高於正常值)?

Abnormal liver function (such as: transaminase, bilirubin higher than normal)?

10. 尿檢有尿蛋白及管型?

Abnormal urine test with urine protein or tube type?

11. 鉀、鈉電解質紊亂?

Potassium, sodium electrolyte disorder?

12. 有心肌酶學指標不正常?

Abnormal myocardial enzymes?

13. 肌紅蛋白、肌酸激酶值異常升高?

Abnormally elevated myoglobin and creatine kinase levels?

14. 心電圖提示心肌缺血改變或心律失常?

Myocardial ischemia or arrhythmia with ECG?

15. 有頭暈、頭痛症狀?

Do you feel dizziness, headache symptoms?

16. 有心前區不適或腹部疼痛症狀?

Do you have the symptoms of anterior discomfort or abdominal pain?

17. 有無眩暈、視物模糊等症狀?

Do you have any dizziness, blurred vision and other symptoms?


If this is the case, please report to the organizing committee and the medical team for evaluation. Competition with sickness is not suggested, whihc might affect your health.


Adequate self-judgment in the health of the game

1. 明顯心慌,心率迅速達到180到200,且很長時間不能緩解;

You feel obvious palpitation, or your heart rate quickly reached 180 to 200, and these can not be alleviated in a long time.

2. 感到手臂麻木不能緩解;

You feel numbness of the arm and it can not be relieved.

3. 後背疼痛或胸悶、胸痛不適;

You feel back pain or chest tightness, chest pain discomfort.

4. 憋喘不適,或能聽見伴隨呼吸的哨鳴音;

you are suffering suffocate or you can hear the whistle with the breath.

5. 頭暈或視物模糊;

You feel dizzy or blurred.

6. 腹痛;

Stomach ache.

7. 肌肉骨骼疼痛難忍;

Unbearable musculoskeletal pain.

8. 外傷:骨折或出血;

Trauma: bone fracture or bleeding.

9. 其他可能影響運動的情況。

Other situations that may affect your movement.


Once the above symptoms happened, you should immediately suspend the race, take a slow walk and looking for a cool place to sit. You need to drink some water. If the symptoms can not be alleviated, you must seek medical help immediately. Life is important.

大医精诚志愿者服务2018北京国际铁人三项赛 Beijing Triathlon Medical Volunteers


