


为制作精品的铜炉,明朝宣德皇帝曾亲自督促,这在历史上实属少见。宣德炉以色泽为亮点,其色内融。此件宣德炉以黄铜制成,底书“宣德年制”楷书款,带底座。其炉身形制规整,敦厚之中不失灵巧精致,作为书房陈设颇为雅致。焚香其内,数百年历史的厚重感随香外溢。它通体光素,尽显铜炉精纯美质,铜质精良,入手沉甸。此“宣德炉”来源于纽约佳士得2012年9月纽约洛克菲勒中心拍卖会,流失海外多年,如今漂洋过海重归祖国怀抱,且品相完好,相当珍贵。 Xuan de furnace, known as "Xuan furnace", is the first bronze ware made of brass in Chinese history. At the beginning of Xuande's third year (1428), Xuanzong received tens of thousands of kilograms of fine "wind-milled bronze" tributed by the King of Thailand. He ordered Lu Zhen, the imperial craftsman of the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Rites, and Wu Bangzo, the waiter of the Ministry of Works, to cast the Ding Yi with tribute bronze. It is said that in order to ensure the quality of the incense burner, gold and silver and other precious metals were added to the smelting process. After more than ten times smelting with copper, hundreds of exquisite colors of incense burners were made, known as Xuande furnace.

In order to make a fine copper stove, Emperor Xuan De of the Ming Dynasty personally urged him, which is rare in history. Xuan de stove takes color as its highlight and its color melts. This piece is made of brass and the book "Xuan de year" is written in the bottom book, with a base. Its furnace shape is neat and neat, and it is exquisite and elegant. Incense incense, hundreds of years of heavy feeling with incense overflow. It is full of light elements, showing the pure and beautiful quality of copper furnace, and its excellent copper quality. This "Xuande Furnace" from New York Christie's in September 2012 New York Rockefeller Center auction, lost overseas for many years, now drift across the sea and return to the embrace of the motherland, and the quality is perfect, very precious.


此炉明末时期制作,口径:11.5cm,高:9cm,重:1630g 名为桥耳炉又称凤眼炉,“炉烟袅孤碧,云缕霏数千;悠然凌空去,飘渺随风还。”几千年来,屡屡馨香,悠然于书斋琴房,飘渺于神坛庙宇。在中国传统文化中,焚香与点茶、挂画、插花并称为文人怡情养性的“四艺”。香霭馥馥之中,品赏香炉,也成为了文人雅士的一大爱好。香炉文化灿若星河,存世极为稀少的明代宣德炉,以其造诣之高堪为炉中一绝。 This furnace was made in the late Ming Dynasty, caliber: 11.5 cm, high: 9cm, weight: 1630g is also known as the bridge ear furnace, also known as the phoenix eye furnace, "smoke curl lonely, thousands of clouds; leisurely fly away, ethereal with the wind return." For thousands of years, incense has always been in the shrine, shrine in the shrine. In Chinese traditional culture, burning incense, ordering tea, hanging pictures and arranging flowers are called the "four arts" of literati's pleasure. Among the fragrant and fragrant, the taste of incense burner has also become a great hobby of scholars. The incense burner culture is like a river of stars. The Xuande burner of Ming Dynasty, which is extremely rare in the world, can be regarded as a unique one with its high attainments.


桥的含义为媒介,可通过妙境,后世官宦商贾士族都十分喜欢这类造型别致的桥耳炉,并作为吉祥之礼器而广为使用。据《宣德鼎彝谱》八卷本记载,桥耳炉是赐以国子监祭酒。《国朝会典》称“国子祭酒掌国学,举人贡士,以及勋臣胄子教训之事,奉监规而损益焉……为朝廷教育人才重秩焉。”并称汉明帝时,命博士祭酒讲经史,士人环向桥门而听,其人数以万计。故以桥耳款式代表环桥听讲。 The meaning of the bridge as a medium, through the wonderful scenery, later officials, eunuchs, businessmen and scholars are very fond of this unique shape of the bridge ear stove, and as a propitious ritual and widely used. According to the eight volume of Xuan De Yi Yi, the bridge stove is a gift to the Imperial College. "Guo Dynasty Huidian" said, "the son of the state sacrificed wine palm Chinese culture, the whole tribute, as well as the courtiers of the son of the lessons learned, by the prison regulations and profit or loss.... For the imperial court, it is important to educate talents. When he was called Emperor Han Ming, he gave a lecture on the history of wine and wine. So the bridge ear style represents the ring bridge.


宣德炉最妙在色,其色内融,从黯淡中发奇光。史料记载有四十多种色泽,为世人钟爱,其色的名称很多。例如,紫带青黑似茄皮的,叫茄皮色;黑黄象藏经纸的,叫藏经色;黑白带红淡黄色的,叫褐色;如旧玉之土沁色的,叫土古色;白黄带红似棠梨之色的,叫棠梨色,还有黄红色的地、套上五彩斑点的,叫仿宋烧斑色;比珠砂还鲜红的斑,叫朱红斑;轻及猪肝色、枣红色、琥珀色、茶叶末、蟹壳青等等……明朝万历年间大鉴赏家、收藏家、画家项元汴(子京)说:“宣炉之妙,在宝色内涵珠光,外现澹澹穆穆。” Xuan de stove is the best color, its color melts, and the light from the gloom. There are more than 40 kinds of colors in historical records, which are loved by the world and have many names. For example, purple with green and black as eggplant peel, called eggplant peel color; black and yellow as Tibetan Scripture paper, called Tibetan Scripture color; black and white with red and light yellow, called brown; as old jade soil Qin color, called Earth ancient color; white and yellow with red like Tang pear color, called Tang pear color, there are yellow and red ground, covered with colorful spots, called imitation Song burning spot color; than Pearl sand; Also bright red spots, called vermilion; light and pig liver color, jujube red, amber color, tea powder, crab shell green and so on. Xiang Yuanbian (Zijing), a great connoisseur, collector and painter during the Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty, said, "The beauty of the Xuanlu stove lies in the pearlescent connotation of the precious color, but it is dull and quiet outside."


明末清初文人骚客冒襄(董小宛的丈夫),爱好品玩宣德炉,他写有《宣铜炉歌》及《宣炉歌注》,及《宣铜炉歌为方坦庵先生赋》,“有炉光怪真异绝,肌腻肉好神清和。窄边蚰耳藏经色,黄云隐跃穷雕磨。”这是冒襄对宣德炉的描述。正如《宣铜炉歌》里所歌:“抚今追昔再三叹,怜汝不异诸铜驼。一炉非小関一代,列圣徳沢相渐摩”,宣铜炉可说是纪录了明王朝全盛期的历史见证。另外,从冒襄的《影梅庵忆语》中可以得知,宣铜炉同时也寄托了冒襄对爱妾董小宛的思念之情。对冒襄来说,一个宣铜炉,既勾起了他对明王朝的故国之思,也勾起了他对董小宛的思念之情。 In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the scholar-poet (Dong Xiaowan's husband), who was fond of playing with Xuande stove, wrote "Xuan Tong Stove Song" and "Xuan Furnace Song Notes" and "Xuan Tong Stove Song for Mr. Fang Tan'an Fu", "There is a stove of strange light, exquisite muscle and flesh, good spirit and harmony. The narrow sides of the ear are hidden by the color of Huang Yunyin. This is a description of Xiang de stove by Xiang Xiang. Just like the song in the bronze stove song, "sigh again and again, and pity your different camels. The Xuan bronze stove is a historical witness of the heyday of the Ming Dynasty. In addition, it can be seen from the Mao Xiang's "Yingmeian Analects" that the Xuan bronze stove also reposes the feelings of Mao Xiang's missing concubine Dong Xiaowan. To Xiangxiang, a bronze furnace not only reminds him of the Ming Dynasty's homeland, but also reminds him of Dong Xiaowan.


 如果买的是一件精品,在买的时候就经过了很多挫折和努力,最终买到手了,为什么经过这么多挫折呢?因为它是精品、珍品、神品,所有的企业家和收藏家们都盯着呢,不会轻易让你买走。最终经过多少轮竞争后你买到了,买的时候就付出了一定的代价,买贵了不怕的,为什么?因为国内高端藏家、企业家们都知道这件神品在您手里,谁想拥有它,那就要看您愿不愿意让给他们了。一个合格的收藏家,一定要有精品意识,有了精品意识在收藏的道路上才不会迷茫。收藏高端艺术品的同时,也能结交到一些高端人士,通过自己的藏品可以得到别人的认同和尊重。 If you buy a boutique, after a lot of setbacks and efforts in the time of buying, and ultimately bought the hand, why after so many setbacks? Because it is a boutique, treasure, god, all entrepreneurs and collectors are staring at it, will not easily let you buy. After how many rounds of competition you finally bought it, and you paid a certain price when you bought it. It was too expensive to be afraid of. Why? Because domestic high-end collectors, entrepreneurs all know that this God in your hands, who wants to own it, it depends on whether you want to give it to them. A qualified collector must have a sense of quality, with the sense of quality on the road to collection will not be confused. While collecting high-end works of art, we can also make friends with some high-end people, through their own collection can be recognized and respected by others.


宣德炉名气盛,诞生至今几六百年间,多有仿制。明中晚期、清早期所仿之炉,品质较高,佳器较多。清中之后,仿量虽大,然重利轻质,佳器极少。宣炉收藏门类总体发展前景很好。现在的艺术品市场处于规范化运作状态,藏家们已经逐渐接受把艺术品与房产、股票等作为家庭配置的资产。宣炉可赏,可玩,可供奉礼佛,藏赏兼备,受众人群非常广泛。如:敬神礼佛,文房焚香,伴琴品茗,厅堂镇宅,品茶闻沉香等,都是离不开宣炉的。宣炉当今还是属于一个初级发展阶段,没有被爆炒过,投资风险系数极低,未来前景应该是非常乐观的。尤其是一些高品质的篆书款官器炉,还有一些文人定制的私家款铜炉都有着一定的历史价值、艺术价值和经济价值。Xuan de stove is famous for its popularity. Since its birth, it has been copied for several hundred years. In the middle and late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the furnace was characterized by higher quality and better appliances. After the Qing Dynasty, the amount of imitation was large, but heavy and light. The overall development prospect of Xuan furnace collection category is very good. Now the art market is in a state of standardized operation, collectors have gradually accepted art and real estate, stocks and other assets as a family allocation. It can be rewarded and can be played. It can be worshipped as a gift of Buddha, and has a wide range of audiences. Such as: worship Buddha, study incense burning, accompaniment music tea, halls and towns, tea smell, etc., are inseparable from the furnace. Xuanfu is still a primary stage of development, has not been speculated, investment risk coefficient is very low, the future prospects should be very optimistic. Especially some of the high-quality seal inscriptions of official stoves, and some of the private-style custom-made bronze stoves have a certain historical value, artistic value and economic value.

