





Pete Davidson proposed to Ariana Grande with a truly jaw-dropping ring, but that doesn’t mean that he dropped to one knee to ask her to marry him.

Grande revealed a few details about the sweet proposal, which came just a few weeks after the two started dating.

“We were just, like, hanging out, and he had a ring, and, yeah, he just asked me,” she said last week during an appearance on the “Zach Sang Show,” a live radio show on YouTube.

“He didn’t get on a knee or anything, thank God,” she added. “Oh, my God, that would’ve been so googly.”

Though the two talked about tying the knot very early on in their relationship ― Davidson admitted he even asked Grande to pick out rings the day they met ― the “God Is a Woman” singer admitted she never thought she’d get married.

“I’m not like a very traditional person, so the fact that I’m getting married is something I never even saw coming. I never saw that coming. I never wanted that,” she said on the show.

Grande added, “I was like, ‘There’s no point’ ... Then I kind of understood it once I found the right person.”

馬上學:Jaw-dropping和breathtaking,從字面意思引申,都表示“令人驚呼和讚歎不已的”。另外還可以說take one’s breath away,同樣表示“令人激動的,美得讓人窒息的”。



(圖源:Daily Mail)



(圖源:Daily Mail)

Adele's best friend has revealed that the singer was the first to spot that she was suffering from postpartum psychosis.

Laura Dockrill explained that her concerned 'spirit sister' Adele quickly detected the signs of the serious mental illness in her after she gave birth to the singer's godson.

"She recognised it in me, I was on the phone FaceTiming her and she was the first one to detect what I might have," Laura recently told Radio 1 Newsbeat.

She added: "The last six months can only be described as hell, it's been the worst time of my life."

Laura, who is a performance poet, author and illustrator, detailed the terrifying impact of her illness in an article.

In the piece, Laura praises her 'one and only spirit sister Adele' for her support, before Adele shared a link to the article and urged fellow mothers to discuss how they are feeling after birth.

馬上學:Spot意指“發現”、“認出”,常用於被動語態:be spotted, 表示"被發現,被認出"。例:They were spotted by the police as they entered the bank.




日前,麥當娜在2018年MTV錄音帶大獎(VMA)頒獎典禮上的一席講話招致了網友不滿,大家認為這段本該是向 “靈魂歌后”艾瑞莎•弗蘭克林致敬的演講,卻圍繞麥當娜本人展開,實在欠妥。對此,麥當娜回應表示,參加頒獎之前她得到通知,要分享自己職業生涯中與艾瑞莎有關的軼事,所以就講了一段自己的經歷,並且感謝她給予的鼓舞,但是麥當娜稱這不是致敬演講,她認為在這樣一個嘈雜的頒獎儀式上致敬是對艾瑞莎的不公。


Madonna said she meant no disrespect when she shared a story about her connection to the late Aretha Franklin during MTV's Video Music Awards on Monday night.

Madonna said she was asked to present the award for video of the year at the VMAs and told to "share any anecdotes I had in my career connected to Aretha Franklin." But she did "not intend to do a tribute to her," according to a post the singer shared on Instagram.

"I shared a part of my journey and thanked Aretha for inspiring me along the way. I did not intend to do a tribute to her!" Madonna wrote. "That would be impossible in 2 minutes with all the noise and tinsel of an award show. I could never do her justice in this context or environment."

Franklin died last week after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

When Madonna walked on stage to present, an image of Franklin loomed over her, leading most to believe she was there to do a proper tribute to the late legend. What followed left viewers scratching their heads, with some saying her speech was as much an appreciation of herself as it was to the Queen of Soul.

馬上學:Do justice的本義是“公平對待”,也可以用do justice to sb表示。

綜合來源:Daily Mail, Huffingtonpost, CNN

本文英文音頻由我報外籍編輯Mike Fuksman朗讀


