絕地求生:北美冠軍隊員宣布退役 原因是隊員常常言語辱罵他


It wasn’t just the players, it was also people associated with the team, people who helped with the team, they also treated me very poorly. I don’t think I was treated in a way that a player or a human should be treated.


There were some tournaments I played in where I won prizes and those prizes were given out to me in about a week or two after playing in the tournament. But the things I was provided through people associated with my team took three plus months to receive. They don’t take that long to make or send out….the reason is that they lied to me very often…



LANdooon曾為NOVA出征PGI北美預選賽和DreamHack奧斯丁站總決賽,也在北美Stream.me PUBG邀請賽取得冠軍。

絕地求生:北美冠軍隊員宣佈退役 原因是隊員常常言語辱罵他

