Model of the week:王涵

Wang Han

Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

Wang Han: 180cm 82/62/88



Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

How and when did you become a model?


Favorite things:

read and listen to music

What would you be doing if you weren’t modeling?

Open a bakery or coffee shop

Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

Favorite modeling experience so far?

The first time to New York

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Never give up

Place you would love to visit:

Many places that have not been visited.

Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

Model of the week:王涵

