



1在葡萄牙境內出生的個人,為外國人子女的,父母有一方在葡萄牙合法居住至少2年,將成為葡萄牙公民。 並滿足以下要求:父母不能以本國政府僱傭人員(如外交官)而居住在葡萄牙;申請人尚未聲明他們不希望成為葡萄牙人。Ⅰ) Individuals born in the Portuguese territory, children of foreigners that at the time of birth at least one of the parents is legally resident in Portugal for at least 2 years will be Portuguese of origin. In order to meet the requirements:a) the parents cannot be in Portugal as State employed by their own country;b) The applicants have not declared that they do not wish to be Portuguese.

2通過歸化入籍在葡萄牙境內合法居住至少5年(此前為6年);出生在葡萄牙境內的外國人子女,因為他們是未成年人,只要他們符合要求(掌握葡萄牙語能力和無犯罪記錄),並且滿足下列條件之一:父母其中一方在申請國籍之前無論以何種身份居住在葡萄牙至少5年;未成年人在葡萄牙完成至少一週期的教育(一個小學週期的教育或高中教育階段)。累積滿足以下要求的個人:出生在葡萄牙領土;外國人子女在出生時,不論何種身份,居住在當地;在葡萄牙居住,無論何種身份,至少5年。在葡萄牙出生的個人父母一方為葡萄牙公民,如果另一方在葡萄牙居住,無論何種身份,在申請之前居住在葡萄牙至少五年,並且在他們的兒子/女兒出生時已經為葡萄牙公民可聲明成為葡萄牙公民。Ⅱ)The Portuguese nationality will be granted, by naturalization, to:● The ones that reside legally in the Portuguese territory for at least 5 years (instead of 6 years);● The children of foreigners born in the Portuguese territory, since they are minors, provided that they meet requirements.(knowledge of Portuguese language and clean criminal record) and if one of the following conditions is met:a) One of the parents is resident in Portugal, regardless of the title, for at least five years immediately preceding the request of the nationality;b) The minor has completed in Portugal at least one cycle of education. (one cycle of primary education or high school education).● The individuals who satisfy cumulatively the following requirements:a) Have been born in the Portuguese territory;b) Be children of a foreigner residing here, regardless of title, at the time of the birth;c) Reside in Portugal, regardless of title, since at least five years.● The individuals who are parents of Portuguese citizens of origin, if residents in Portugal, regardless of title, for at least five years immediately preceding the application and provided that the parenthood has been established at the time of birth of their son/daughter already Portuguese citizen.

3對於葡萄牙語國家公民的申請人,應推定其具備葡萄牙語的認知能力。Ⅲ) The knowledge of the Portuguese language shall be presumed to exist for applicants who are natural and national of the Portuguese-speaking countries

4當擁有葡萄牙國籍合法結婚或事實婚姻的父母擁有共同子女時,無需提供參與葡萄牙社區聯繫的證明。Ⅳ) It is not necessary to prove the connection of the Portuguese community in case of marriage or common law life when exists common children of the couple with Portuguese nationality


Ⅴ) The law considers that reside legally in the Portuguese territory the individuals who are here, with their situation regularized before the Portuguese authorities under any of the titles, visas or authorizations. For the purposes of counting periods of legal residence is considered the sum of all periods of legal residence in the national territory consecutive or interpolated, provided that the periods have been within a maximum interval of 15 years.以上就是法案變更的主要內容,可見,為了吸引更多的國外投資者,葡萄牙當局也在不斷的進行優化和改革。此次葡萄牙SEF對於法案的變更,使入籍變得更加規範化和簡單化,對於投資人來說無疑是一個巨大的福音!另外為保證信息傳遞清晰,我們後續會繼續跟進。具體信息請以SEF的解釋為準,此文僅供參考。葡萄牙黃金居留許可項目優勢






【7】一流教育、醫療、福利體系,全家同時享受歐洲高端生活環境。本文由DELSK原創轉載請聯繫後臺進行授權侵權必究!THE END 相關閱讀 一份旅遊界奧斯卡大獎名單,葡萄牙出現了36次世界盃,你賭不起。葡萄牙,你等不起太撩人!這裡的黃金海灘,可以用100種方式美翻你世界盃偽球迷自救指南感謝崔永元,給我們上了一堂財務規劃課葡萄牙5月黃金居留大數據出爐!房價持續走高,再不出手就晚了!

