

1.倒裝:否定詞seldom前移,句子倒裝。例句:Seldom did he speak.

2.賓語從句:whether的用法。例句:I wonder if/whether it is going to rain tomorrow.

3.不定式做定語。例句:The only way to solve our problems will continue to be rejected.

4.原因狀從:now that的用法。now that 表示 “既然”。與 since 的不同之處在於,now that 引出的必須是一個新出現的事實或情況,如果依然如故,和過去相比並沒有變化,則不用 now that 引導。

例句:Now that we have all the materials ready, we should begin the new task at once.既然我們把所有材料都準備好了,我們應該立刻開始這項新的工作。





1.This is the ________ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.

[A] actual [B] genuine [C] real [D] original

2.The travellers sought shelter ________ the rain and happened to find a roadside inn.

[A] from [B] by [C] for [D] with

3.To our delight, she quickly adapted herself ________ the situation.

[A] with [B] to [C] of [D] into

4.The key________ success is hard work and persistence.

[A] on [B] for [C] to [D] of

5."Do you regret paying A five hundred dollars for the painting?"

"No, I would, gladly have paid ________ for it."

[A] twice so much [B] twice as much [C] as much twice [D] so much twice

6.This pair of shoes isn’t good, but that pair is ________ better.

[A] rather [B] less [C] ever [D] hardly

7.________ do we go for picnics.

[A] Certainly [B] Sometimes [C] Seldom [D] Once

8.Kunming is usually cool in the summer, but Shanghai ________.

[A] is rarely [B] scarcely is [C] hardly is [D] rarely is

9.A university is an educational institution which awards degrees and ________ research.

[A] carries out [B] carries through [C] carries off [D] carries about

10.On entering another country, a tourist will have to ________ the Customs.

[A] pass through [B] pass by [C] pass over [D] pass for

11.The old lady can't hope to ________ her cold in a few days.

[A] get away [B] get off [C] get out [D] get over

12.Will you ________ my article to find out whether I've made any mistakes?

[A] look after [B] look through [C] look up [D] look into

13."Where should I send my application?"

"The Personnel Office is the place ________."

[A] to send it [B] sent it to [C] to send it to [D] for sending it

14.David, something important has happened. I wish to ________.

[A] talk it over with you [B] talk over it [C] ta1k over [D] talk you over it

15.I was advised ________ for reservations.

[A] to either telephone or to write the hotel [B] either to telephone or to write the hotel

[C] that I should telephone or either write the hotel [D] I ought either to telephone or write the hotel





1-5 A A B C B 6-10 D C D A A 11-15 D B C A B 16-20 C B C A A


5.B. regret doing sth= regret having done sth後悔做了某事 regret to do 表示

去做某事、還沒做; twice as much 倍數放在as前面。

7.C. 本句為倒裝句。否定詞位於句首倒裝,四個選項中只有seldom否定詞。

8.D. Rarely 屬於頻度副詞。頻度副詞做狀語時通常放在實義動詞之前,系動詞、


分句省略了與前一分句相同的部分(cool in the summer)。

13.C. 本題考查非謂語動詞。不定式在句中作定語,根據send的固定用法“send

sth.to sp.”可確定答案,to不可省略。

15.B. either...or連接兩個並列的動詞不定式。排除A,因為either在動詞不定式

符號to和動詞原形之間,而or 卻在動詞不定式之前。



