
“in + 名詞 + of”短語在中學教材中有很多, 現歸納如下:

1. in advance of在……之先, 勝過

Galileo’s theory were in advance of the age in which he lived. 伽利略的思想超越了他所生活的時代。

2. in behalf of =on behalf of代表, 為了……的利益

I did all I could in behalf of my friend. 為朋友的利益, 我做了所能做的一切。

3. in case of 如果……發生, 如遇到……

In case of danger, you must be calm. 如果遇到危險, 你必須鎮定。

注意: in the case of 就……來說, 至於

4. in charge of 看護, 管理

He is in charge of the school. 他負責管理這所學校。

注意: in the charge of由……管理

5. in course of 正在……之中

The bridge is in course of construction. 大橋正在建設中。

注意: in the course of 在……期間, 在……的過程中

6. in consequence of ……的結果, 由於

In consequence of heating, the length of the iron bar increased. 由於受熱, 鐵棒的長度增加了。

7. in defence of 保衛, 為……辨護

The soldiers fought bravely in defence of their country. 士兵們為保衛他們的國家英勇作戰。

8. in favour of 贊成, 有利於

Everyone in the class voted in favour of the musical party. 班裡每個人都投票贊成開個音樂會。

9. in fear of 擔心, 害怕

The family that lived here fled in fear of the enemy. 住在這裡的一家人因害怕敵人而逃走了。

10. in front of 在……前面(範圍以外)

In front of the farmhouse sat a small boy. 一個小男孩坐在農舍前面。

注意: in the front of 在……前部(範圍內)

11. in honour of 為了紀念……, 對……表示敬意

The monument was erected in honour of the soldiers who died for the country. 為紀念為國犧牲的戰士建立了此紀念碑。

12. in memory of 為紀念……

The stone pavilion is in memory of a famous poet. 這石亭是紀念一位著名詩人的。

13. in place of 代替

We can use plastic in place of wood or metal in industry. 我們在工業中能用塑料代替木材或金屬。

14. in point of 就……而論

He is senior to me in point of experience. 以經驗論他比我年長。

15. in possession of 佔有, 擁有

The old man is in possession of great wealth. 這位老人擁有大筆財富。

注意: in the possession of (某物)為(某人)所有

16. in need of 需要

Our school is in need of some teachers. 我們學校需要一些老師。

17. in search of 尋找, 尋求

I am looking everywhere in search of my key. 我正到處尋找我的鑰匙。

18. in sight of 能看得見, 在看得見……的地方

How glad we were when we came in sight of the land. 當我們看到陸地時, 我們多麼高興啊。

19. in spite of 儘管

In spite of the heavy rain, he went out without delay. 儘管下大雨, 他還是立刻出發了。

20. in view of 鑑於, 由於

We must make up our minds at once in view of the urgency of the case. 鑑於情況緊急, 我們必須立刻下定決心。

21. in support of 支持, 支援

The president spoke in support of a ban on arms supplies. 總統講話支持武器禁運。

22. in praise of 讚揚

The leader spoke in praise of those who had died for the country. 領導人表彰為國捐軀的人民。

23. in terms of 就……來說, 根據, 用……話來說

He referred to your work in terms of high praise. 他對你的工作大加讚揚。

We should consider problems in terms of the people’s interests. 我們應該從人民的利益出發考慮問題。

