繪本欣賞|A Dark Dark Tale

A Dark Dark Tale



A Dark Dark Tale

by Ruth Brown

绘本欣赏|A Dark Dark Tale

A Dark Dark Tale

Story and pictures by Ruth Brown


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Once upon a time there was a dark,dark moor.

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On the moor there was a dark,dark wood.

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In the wood there was a dark,dark house.

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At the front of the house there was a dark,dark door.

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Behind the door there was a dark,dark hall.

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In the hall there were some dark,dark stairs.

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Up the stairs there was a dark,dark passage.

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Across the passage was a dark dark curtain.

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Behind the curtain was a dark,dark room.

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In the room was a dark,dark cupboard.

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In the cupboard was a dark,dark corner.

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In the corner was a dark,dark box.

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And in the box there was...A MOUSE!

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The End

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