Cometa Architects

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects


歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects



▼設計主要參考了基克拉迪文化景觀的塑造經驗,以空間的演變和建築與土地之間關係來表達,the experience of the Cycladic landscape is the design’s main concern expressed through the spatial evolution and relationship of the building with the dramatic land

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼建築在風景中展現若隱若現的視覺感受,a continuous perimetrical ‘kotoundo’ makes the building sometimes trying to break away from the rock and sometimes to reconcile with it

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼建築的全部開窗都具有良好的保溫性能,the openings are contributing in the control of the heat

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼屋頂的多層次空間可以收集雨水並儲存於地下,the rainwater is collected in the 3 rooftops and stored in an underground reservoir

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼建築每一層次形成獨立的觀景平臺,each floor face to the scenery

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼建築設計充分利用室外自然空間,打造室外露臺,以期營造建築融於自然的設計理念,the architecture design make fully use of the natural environment

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼室外空間多層次流暢連接,與景觀相呼應,reflection to the landscape

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼建築採用當地的石頭為建造元素以表達可持續的建造理念,the principal material chosen is the local stone, and eager to apply the fundamentals of sustainable construction

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼沙發同時作為儲物空間設計,the sofas doubling for storage space

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼ 廚房與客廳進行連通設計使空間開闊滿足多種需要,the conbination of the kitchen and the dining room shows the multi possibilities

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼廚房的木質家裝和窗框的顏色質地都完美契合當地習俗同時滿足現代生活的需要,the wooden kitchen, the pale grey painted wooden window frames meet the modern needs

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼材料運用例如樓梯扶手,吊燈等都回應了當地的傳統建築風格,materials, such as the natural rope, floor-to-ceiling and “banister” that honor the local tradition but perfectly serve the modern needs

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼臥室極簡風格和色彩基調傳達現代感的舒適設計,the beds aim to provide a modest but comfortable living

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼室內整體家裝包括洗手間以白色為基調配有基本顏色做附加裝飾,many of the traditional and sustainable island architecture are the simple minimal furnishings that are built into the whitewashed interior

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects


歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects


歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects


歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

▼融於夜色景觀之中,in the dark

歸隱希臘,石縫中的景觀別墅 / Cometa Architects

