

  • 遺物名稱:Espresso machine(咖啡機)

Too long, lasted for 20 years in the past century

Paris, France


“For a long time he loved the coffee I made for him using the espresso machine he gave me. For a long time he loved me. And then, one day, he no longer loved the coffee I made for him using the espresso machine he gave me. And then, one day, he no longer loved me and left. And so I took the espresso machine he gave me that made the coffee he loved and I put it in the basement so I don’t have to look at it anymore... But every time I come down to the basement, there it is.”







  • 遺物名稱:An Exe Axe(一把斧子)

Berlin, Germany


“She was the first woman that I let move in with me. All my friends thought I needed to learn to let people in more. A few months after she moved in, I was offered to travel to the US. She could not come along. At the airport we said goodbye in tears, and she was assuring me she could not survive three weeks without me. I returned after three weeks, and she said: 'I fell in love with someone else. I have known her for just 4 days, but I know that she can give me everything that you cannot.' I was banal and asked about her plans regarding our life together. The next day she still had no answer, so I kicked her out. She immediately went on holiday with her new girlfriend while her furniture stayed with me.

Not knowing what to do with my anger, I finally bought this axe at Karstadt to blow off steam and to give her at least a small feeling of loss – which she obviously did not have after our break-up. In the 14 days of her holiday, every day I axed one piece of her furniture. I kept the remains there, as an expression of my inner condition. The more her room filled with chopped furniture acquiring the look of my soul, the better I felt. Two weeks after she left, she came back for the furniture. It was neatly arranged into small heaps and fragments of wood. She took that trash and left my apartment for good. The axe was promoted to a therapy instrument.”



  • 遺物名稱:Number 2(備胎)

Summer 2007

Manila, Philippines


“He had another woman. He couldn’t make me his number 1; I couldn’t stand being his number 2.”


  • 遺物名稱: A plush Snoopy(一個玩偶)

30 years

Leiden, Netherlands


“He gave Snoopy to me on my 17th birthday. We had fallen in love six months earlier, on October 5, 1981. Thirty years down the line, we had three sons, a house etc. He fell in love with another woman and he chose her... He broke my heart, telling me that he hadn’t really loved me in those 30 years. I just don’t understand.”


  • 遺物名稱:A magnifying glass(放大鏡)

Manilla, Philippines


"She gave it to me as a remembrance before I left. I never did get why she gave a magnifying glass nor did she ever explain what it meant. But she always said she felt 'small' whenever she was around me."


一切都在那裡,被這些貌似普通、微不足道的物品所包裹:痛苦、憤怒、掙扎、心碎、後悔,以及失去愛情的無力。當一段感情不得善終,這些物品便呈現出更重要的意義——它們象徵著我們無力完美處理生活的一角。分手成為一條斷層線,一條割裂回憶和舊日幸福的裂縫。人們凝視這些裂痕,深思愛情為何會走入歧途,如何處理“broken relationship”。


Every raw emotion seems to be on display – pain, anger, emptiness and enormity of losing love. When a relationship ends, it's a reminder that things don't always go as planned, that it not always ends with "and they lived happily ever after." The breakup becomes a crack, where we separate our memory and love.

Deep down, perhaps we all have this unrealistic, almost foolish, expectation that our significant other will accept every speck of us – the good, the bad and the ugly – and accommodate every rational and irrational need.

British writer E.M. Forster says, “…when human beings love they try to get something. They also try to give something, and this double aim makes love more complicated than food or sleep. It is selfish and altruistic at the same time.”



Block them on social media, such as WeChat and Weibo, and your address list.


Create an environment where you won't think about your ex.


Avoid memorizing the details between you on social media.


It is OK to talk about the breakup, just remember to also be productive.


Exercise heals everything.


Stop blaming yourself.


Don’t rush to date someone else.


Crying does not mean you’re a coward; do it when you think you need to!



