

走進百大冠軍87期:Donna Mcginn(比基尼):繼續努力,不要放棄,當它變得困難時,記住自己的初心,回頭看看你已經走遠。Keep pushing, don't give up, and when it gets hard, remember why you started and look at how far you've come.


從不敢奢望我的腹肌滿分,但求辛苦的努力能讓我及格.Never thought I'd ever come close to having abs, but hard work really does pay off I guess C。


我很猶豫要不要發自己的照片,但有人(男友)總是灌輸我有義務要保持真實。Was extremely hesitant to post these, but as someone who has always preached about keeping things real/held myself accountable, I felt I should.


老實說,我最近對自己有點不自信,因為我一直有一些糟糕的消化問題,回到學校的同時,我也感冒了,我很確定這是我在這段時間裡最壓力和散漫的一段時間。但我只是在盡我所能去實現我的目標,同時享受我的生活。I honestly have not felt very confident with myself lately as I have been having some horrible digestive issues, since coming back to school I have also caught a cold, and I'm pretty sure this is the heaviest/fluffiest I have been in a while.but i'm just trying to do the best I can to work towards my goals while enjoying my life at the same time.


有些人喜歡在他們的“淡季改進期”裡保持苗條的身材,而且我一年都想保持完美的身材,我知道,對於我個人來說,我必須告別比賽時的重量,增加幾磅以獲得肌肉。這就是我,7個月的淡季改進期裡,我繼續舉重,進食,為我的身體補充能量。決心在今年發光發熱。Some people like to stay lean as a bean in their "off/improvement season", and as much as I would like to stay completely shredded all year long,I know for ME personally, I have to say goodbye to the stage weight and add a few pounds in order to gain muscle. So here I am, 7 months into my improvement season continuing lifting heavy and eating to fuel my body.Determined to make this year my year.


嘗試著找些陳詞濫調來表達,但這些話實在無法描述奪冠對我意味著什麼。這是我最喜歡的時刻,任何比賽都無可比擬!Tried to find some corny quote to go along with this but words honestly can't describe how much this picture means to me!This has got to be of my favorite moments/pictures from any of the shows I have done since I began competing!


在我生命中的兩個最大的支持者/親密的朋友在星期六給我頒發了“冠軍獎盃”,老實說,甚至無法形容他兩讓我有多開心。Two of the biggest supporters/closest friends I have in my life presented the Overal 1 Bikini award to me on Saturday and honestly I can't even begin to explain how happy that alone made me.


我很慶幸在我的生命中有你們二位!謝謝你總是督促我做最好的自己,激勵我永不放棄。I am so blessed to have the two of you in my life!! Thanks for always pushing me to be my best and for motivating me to never give up.


