
走近百大冠軍103期Catharina Wahl


我是花兒絕世獨立,當開即放。I am a flower doesn't think of competing to the flower next tome.Just blooms when I am thinking。

這時的我正贏得奧林匹亞業餘組的金牌,這次是我最難熬的備賽之一,因為我通過有氧運動破壞足夠的肌肉變成一個很瘦的人。Tiny me from when I won my first Gold medal in Olympia amateur . It's was one of my heaviest prep, coz for me to become this tiny/skinny by destroying enough muscles is a big amount of cardio!


這是傷痛的時刻,但這次是值得的之後也是——我以不同的身形贏得了阿諾德歐洲古典健美比賽。更多的肌肉,我沒有像這次一樣撕裂。在比基尼健身裡,知道裁判想要什麼真的不容易。Hurtful times, but it was worth it in the end then again, I won Amold classic Europe with a much different shape. More muscles and I wasn't as shredded as here. In Bikini Fitness its really not easy to say what they want.


每場比賽更像是在碰運氣。至少我是這樣感覺的。因為當我被告知要更柔美時,裁判卻想要更多的撕裂。當我的肌肉堅硬的時候,他們選擇了柔美。真是防不勝防,今年我將在職業聯賽中首次登場。我應該怎麼做??It's more like chance you just gotta take for each show. At least I feel it this way. Coz when I got told to come in more soft, they wanted more shredded.When I often came in hard, they chose the soft girl. Sooo tricky And this spring I will do my first debut in Pro league. What should I deliver there??


就算是專業的比賽也好,每場比賽都是如此不同,我想聽聽你們的意見。我對這項運動有著巨大的感情。我想這就像是一個永無止境的愛情故事,因為只要我能,我就奮不顧身!有時是艱難的,但不好的一面我也喜歡。Coz its also very different from show to show even as Pro pls share your oppinion guys.My emotions for this sport are huge. I think it's like a never ending love story.Coz as long as I can, I will ! Sometimes It's ofc hard times, but i like that part too.


最重要的是,它就像一個美妙的夢,你不能一次夢個夠。你必須睜開雙眼,這樣你才能意識到它給你的一切。我的意思是,感謝旅途中的每一個部分!Most of all it's like a wonderful dream you can't dream only once. You gotta open your eyes, just so u can realize everything it's giving you. I mean, appreciate every part ofthe journey!


美無止境。所以我挑戰我的極限,我想超越它們。建立自己的信心,及時發現自己的美麗,讓美麗之花及時開放。我經常回頭看我的身形,看看我為比基尼秀準備了什麼,我應該做什麼改變來面對下一場比賽。There is no finish line. So I push my limits, I want to go beyond them.Build up your confidence, discover your beauty in time, and let the beautiful flowers bloom in time. I often look back at my shape, to see what I delivered for that show, what should I do different towards the next one.


我真的很享受比基尼健美,因為最微小的變化會帶來很大的不同。從血管到到整體,你都能從選手身上找到這些不同。I really enjoy it, Coz the smallest changes can make a big difference. But from serious to.... halloo veins, and to all of you that find this gross looking on a woman.


