每日英語 20180709

#每日英語# #星座女王傅子綺# 2018-07-09。每日遛英語 生活用語 Daily English Conversation1. - Susan, this was delicious. 蘇珊,這些菜真的好吃 - Ah, just a little something I whipped up. 啊,這些不過是我隨便整出來的小菜 2. She made up this excuse out of a thin air. 她就莫名其妙地編出這個理由了3. Here's the thought out of the blue. 我突然是這麼想著的4. She turned up on my doorstep, all of a sudden. 她突然間,就出現在我的門前5. Suddenly, I realized what had happened. 突然間,我就明白已經發生何事了6. I'm sorry we inform you at such a short notice. 我很抱歉這麼突然地通知你

每日英語 20180709

