一周热词榜(Weekly Buzzwords)(2018.06.18~06.24)


1个人所得税法修正案草案:draft amendment to individual income tax law

2中国农民丰收节:Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival

3超级高铁:super high-speed train/高速磁悬浮轨道交通:high-speed magnetic suspension rail transport

4进京证新规:new regulations on entry permit

5游戏障碍:gaming disorder/电子游戏成瘾:addition to digital and video game

6第一宝宝:First Baby

7美国退出联合国人权理事会:US withdraws from UN Human Rights Council

8family separation:骨肉分离



一周热词榜(Weekly Buzzwords)(2018.06.18~06.24)

A draft amendment to the individual income tax lawhas been submitted for a first reading at a bimonthly session of the National People's Congress Standing Committee. Specific personal income tax changes that aim to reduce taxpayer burdens and boost consumption are expected after the proposed changes receive regulatory approval.



起征点提高 raise the threshold

The draft amendment raises the threshold for personal income tax from 3,500 yuan to 5,000 yuan per month, or 60,000 yuan per year.


专项附加扣除:special expense deductions

The draft amendment adds special expense deductions for items like children's education, continuing education, treatment for serious diseases, as well as housing loan interest and rent.


税率变化 changes in tax rates

扩大3%、10%、20%三档低税率的级距,3%税率(tax rate)的级距扩大一倍,现行税率为10%的部分所得的税率降为3%;大幅扩大10%税率的级距,现行税率为20%的所得,以及现行税率为25%的部分所得的税率降为10%;现行税率为25%的部分所得的税率降为20%;相应缩小25%税率的级距,30%、35%、45%这三档较高税率的级距保持不变。

If the revisions are adopted, those whose monthly salary ranges from 5,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan will see their tax cut by over 50% and those whose monthly salary ranges from 20,000 to 80,000 will see their tax cut by 10-50%.


综合征税 comprehensive income taxation

现行个人所得税法采用"分类征税"方式,即将应税所得分为11类,实行不同征税办法。草案将11类中的4类,即工资薪金(salary)、劳务报酬(remuneration for personal service)、稿酬(remuneration)、特许权使用费(royalty)等4项劳动性所得纳入综合征税范围,适用统一的超额累进税率。

反避税条款 anti-tax avoidance clause

The draft amendment also adds ananti-tax avoidance clause, empowering tax authorities to adjust tax rates when individuals transfer property in violation of independent trading. Individuals will also be subject to the clause when they evade taxes through overseas tax havens or obtain improper tax benefits by organizing unlawful commercial activities.



经党中央批准、国务院批复,自2018年起我国将每年农历秋分(autumn equinox)设立为"中国农民丰收节"。

一周热词榜(Weekly Buzzwords)(2018.06.18~06.24)

Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, the first in China created specially for farmers, reflects the high priority the central government places on agriculture, rural areas and rural people, as well as its determination to see a thriving agricultural industry, beautiful countryside and well-off farmers.


经党中央批准、国务院批复,自2018年起我国将每年农历秋分(autumn equinox)设立为"中国农民丰收节"。为何将"中国农民丰收节"设立在秋分?农业农村部部长韩长赋透露主要是基于三方面的考虑。

从节气上看,春种秋收,春华秋实,秋分时节硕果累累,最能体现丰收(it's the best time to celebrate the harvest)。

从区域上看,我国地域辽阔、物产丰富,各地收获的时节有所不同,但多数地方都在秋季(Although climates and crops differ in various parts of China, most crops mature in autumn),秋收作物是大头。

从民俗上看,我们国家有十几个少数民族有庆祝丰收的传统节日(ethnic groups in China have their own festivals at harvest time),

大多都在下半年。在国家层面设立一个各民族共同参与、共庆丰收的节日,有利于促进中华民族大家庭的和睦团结和发展(to enhance harmony and development of the Chinese nation)。


The festival should celebrate farmers, and they are encouraged to think of their own ways to celebrate harvest, Han said.


Some activities will be held nationwide, but most of the celebration will take place at a local level derived from local customs, he said, adding that local governments could host various activities for the festival, such as folk culture performances, food tasting, feasting and sightseeing.




一周热词榜(Weekly Buzzwords)(2018.06.18~06.24)

At the World Transport Convention 2018 held in Beijing on Tuesday, chief professor of Southwest Jiaotong University Zhang Weihua told the media that China is exploring super high-speed trains that can travel at 1,500 kilometers per hour.


张卫华认为,高速磁悬浮轨道交通(high-speed magnetic suspension rail transport)将成为未来轨道交通技术发展的主攻方向。他透露,目前我国正在成都搭建的比例模型车试验线(scale model train test line)采用"高温超导磁悬浮真空管"技术(high-temperature superconductivity magnetic suspension plus vacuum valve technology),预计今年底前将建成并投入试验测试,最快将于2021年4月达

到1500公里试验时速。届时所有超高速磁悬浮列车(ultrahigh-speed maglev)试验都可以在此进行。

截至2017年底,我国高速铁路运营里程(operating mileage)达2.5万公里,约为世界高速铁路运营总里程的2/3,设计速度(design speed)最高为350-380公里/小时,上线运营列车达5200列,已成为名副其实的高铁大国。



一周热词榜(Weekly Buzzwords)(2018.06.18~06.24)

