英語之外還是英語:give sb.the eye的口語訓練

英語之外還是英語:give sb.the eye的口語訓練

你要問我:give sb. the eye什麼意思? 我如果不會,我也不會想都不想就去想它的字面中文。

我會說:just give me a second,我去查英英字典。

英語之外還是英語:give sb.the eye的口語訓練


1) 好習慣,查英英字典:

Idiom:Give someone the eye

1. To look at one in a way that conveys sexual interest.

2. To look at someone in a way that conveys one's sexual interest.

3. To look at someone in a way that communicates romantic interest.

4. If you give someone the eye, you look at them in a way that shows that you find them attractive.

除非你沒學過也不知道英語詞彙及表達:that conveys one's sexual interest,that communicates romantic interest,否則,give someone the eye的字面意思你可以不懂,但是,讀了“學過”的英語後,give sb.the eye的意思直接用英語理解已經一目瞭然,根本不需要中文解釋。

英語之外還是英語:give sb.the eye的口語訓練

2) 英語之外還是英語:Put English into English口語訓練:

1.Okay.I got it. To give someone the eye is an English idiom.


2. Well, if you give someone the eye, or the glad eye, you mean you look at them in an sexual way ,in a romantic way,or to show that you are sexually interested in them,or in a way that shows that you find them attractive.

3. For example,we can say:

All the men were giving the pretty girl the (glad) eye.

你需要記住並用這些英語理解記憶idiom:give someone the eye.


英語之外還是英語:give sb.the eye的口語訓練


同樣是“學習”give sb. the eye,你得到的只是中文,我得到的確實更多英語,英語之外還是英語。看出你我有什麼不同嗎?


