BBC地道英語|Do you need to upgrade your phone? 你的手機是否需要更新換代?



Hello and welcome to Six Minute English! I’m Catherine.


And I’m Rob, and today we bring you a techy topic along with six up-to-date vocabulary items.


That’s right. And today’s techy topic is smartphones. So Rob, can you tell me which age group have been buying smartphones at the fastest rate over the last five years here in the UK? Is it…a) 15-35 year olds, b) 35-55 year olds or c) 55-75 year olds?

是的。今天的科技類話題是智能機。所以羅伯,你能告訴我在過去的五年裡英國哪個年齡群的人購買智能機的比率最大嗎?是a)15-35歲,b)35-55歲, 還是c)55-75歲?

OK. It’s got to be the youngsters. It’s got to be the 15-35 year olds.


Oh, well. We’ll see whether you got that right or wrong later on in the show. Now Rob, a question: how old is your smartphone?


OK, mine, I bought it a couple of years ago.


And are you happy with it?


Yes, I am. It works just fine. It does everything I need it to do.


So you’re not worried about not having the latest model?


Not at all. My phone works really well, it has all the functionality I need. And I’m not convinced that the latest model offers any more than the one I’ve got, to be honest.


Right. Well, functionality refers to the range of functions a computer or other electronic device can perform. So, let’s listen now to Andrew Orlowski, from the tech news website-The Register. He explains why people are holding onto their phones longer instead of rushing out to buy the latest model of phone.

好吧。Functionality指的是電腦或者電子設備所能執行的一系列功能。所以現在讓我們聽一下科技新聞網站The Register的安德魯•奧爾洛夫斯基是怎麼說的。他會解釋為什麼人們會更長久地使用他們的手機而不是急於去買最新機型。

What happened is that prices have gone up at the high end. And it’s kind of a cycle, where people hang onto their phones for longer, therefore manufacturers charge more. Then people hang onto them longer to justify that higher purchase.


So big brand names, like iPhone and Samsung, make phones at the high end of the market, meaning the expensive ones. So once people have bought a handset, they hang on to it! If you hang onto something, you keep it. I’ve been hanging onto my phone for a couple of years, and am hoping I won’t need to change it for another year or so, at least.

所以那些大的品牌,像蘋果和三星,他們製造市場頂端的機型,指的就是那些昂貴的機型。所以人們一旦買了手機,就會使用很長時間。如果你hang onto someting指的就是你長久地保留它。我的手機已經用了好幾年了,而且我希望至少在一年左右都不需要換手機。

But what happens is, if people aren’t replacing their phones, the phone manufacturers don’t make a big enough profit. So they start charging more.


And this, in turn, makes people hang onto their phones even longer! So that’s why Andrew Orlowski calls it a cycle. That’s where one event leads to another, and then often repeats itself.


So where will the cycle end?


Good question! Let’s listen to Andrew again, talking about where he thinks the smartphone market is heading.


I think it’s a very mature market now. And you have to compare, say, a £900 Galaxy Note or a £1000 iPhone with a spectacular TV you can… a 49 inch TV you can get for £450. No longer has that kind of must-have lustre that it might have had 4 or 5 years ago.

我認為現在的市場非常成熟。並且你必須要比較一下,一個900英鎊的三星Galaxy Note手機,或者一個1000英鎊的蘋果手機,與一個49英寸,要價450英鎊的的大電視比較。不再有那種四五年前那種必須品的感覺。

So what does ’mature’ mean, Rob?


Mature means fully-grown.We’re mature adults for example, Catherine! And in a business context, a mature market is where supply is equal to demand.


And if something has ’must-have lustre’? What’s that?

而且某些事(物)是否有must-have lustre?那指的是什麼?

A must-have item is something you feel you must have. And lustre means shine.

A must-have item指的是你感覺自己必須有的某些東西。Lustre指的是光澤。

I love shiny new things, especially when it’s a nice piece of new tech. But £1000 is a lot of money for a phone. A spectacular 49-inch TV for only £450 sounds like a bargain though!My TV only got small screen.


Stop there, Catherine! It’s time for the answer to today’s question.


OK, so which age group have been buying smartphones at the fastest rate over the last five years here in the UK? Is it… a) 15-35 year olds, b) 35-55 year olds, or c) 55-75 year olds?

好吧,所以在過去的五年裡英國哪個年齡群的人購買智能機的比率最大?是a)15-35歲,b)35-55歲, 還是c)55-75歲?

And I said youngsters, 15-35 year olds.


And you were absolutely wrong, I’m afraid, Rob! The answer is 55-75 year olds! Although research also highlighted that this age group tended to use their smartphones less than younger people.The study was based on a sample of 1,163 people questioned between May and June in 2017.


Interesting. OK, I think it’s time we looked back at the words we learned today. .Our first word is ’functionality’, which refers to the range of functions a computer of other electronic device can perform.


These two computers are similar in terms of both their price and functionality.’


Good example, Catherine. Number two, if you hang on to something, you keep it. For example, ’You should hang onto your old TV, Catherine. There’s nothing wrong with a 30-inch screen!’


Thanks for the advice, Rob. And our next word is ’cycle’. That’s where one event leads to another, and then often repeats itself. For example, ’I’m in a bad cycle of going to bed late, and then oversleeping in the morning.’


You need to sort yourself out, Catherine! You’re spending too much time on social media, and all that blue-screen time makes it very hard to fall asleep. The last thing you need is a bigger TV!


You’re probably right. OK, the adjective ’mature’ means fully grown or fully developed. And here’s an example of the verb form– ’My investments have matured and they’re worth a lot of money now!’


Right, moving on, a ’must-have item’ is something you feel you must have! For example, ’Check out the latest must-have tech bargains on our website!’

是的,繼續,a must-have item指的是你感覺自己必須有的某些事物!例如,檢查一下我們網站上最近必須的科技特價商品。

Like huge TV.




And finally, ’lustre’, which means shine.


For example, ’I polished my brass doorknob until it shone with a pleasing lustre.’

例如, 我擦拭我的黃銅門把手直到它閃耀著悅目的光澤。



BBC地道英语|Do you need to upgrade your phone? 你的手机是否需要更新换代?

