

Under the impact of modern urbanization, the decline of rural areas has become an unavoidable reality. Mix Architecture was commissioned by Jiangshan Fishing Village in Gaochun of Nanjing to meet the basic needs of indigenous peoples for modern functions and cultural life, and formulated a rural renewal plan. It is hoped that from the perspective of the “man” of the village origin, the small fishing village on the shore of Gucheng Lake will be changed by using fragmented transformation and construction.

▼老宅鳥瞰圖,aerial view

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築


The first phase of the Jiangshan Fishing Village Renewal Plan consists of two parts, namely the renovation of the vacant old homes and the construction of rural public facilities.

▼書舍融於村莊之中,the design retains the external appearance of the rare old houses in this village

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼入口立面,entrance facade

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築





The transformation of the old house is the focus of the renovation plan. The design retains the external appearance of the rare old houses with the maximum degree in this village, hoping to emphasize the importance of regional characteristics and cultural heritage. At the same time, disruptive functional replacement and spatial reconstruction of the interior of the building were implemented. A bookcase wrapped in a patio and a glass tea pavilion facing the courtyard were implanted. They not only became the center of space activities, but also broke the boundaries between the interior and exterior, introducing sunlight and nature into the dimly old houses, making them become Village neighborhoods as a new place for communication and cultural blending.

▼書舍大廳與天井冥想空間,bookhouse lobby and meditation patio

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼天井冥想空間,meditation patio

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築


鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼天井書架與玻璃茶亭相連,the patio is connected with the glass teahouse

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼玻璃茶亭植入,the teahouse is inserted into the building volume

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼從茶亭望向後院,back yard seen from the teahouse

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼消隱的邊緣打破了室內外的界限,為原本昏暗老宅引入了陽光和自然,the glazed walls broke the boundaries between the interior and exterior, introducing sunlight and nature into the dimly old houses

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼新與舊的共存,coexistence of old and new

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼內院雪景,inner yard view

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼客房臥室的“取景框”,the “viewing frame” of the guest room

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼場地平面圖,site plan

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼書舍平面,book house plan

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼書舍剖透視圖,bookhouse sectional perspective

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼玻璃茶亭大樣,glass teahouse detail

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築



Health Facilities

村口廁所 | Toilet at the entrance


The construction of rural public health facilities is to meet villagers’ needs of nearby toilets in their daily life and working. The two public toilets are located at the entrance of the village and the groves in the village. The most basic forms and architectural methods of construction ensure that a simple modern aesthetic can still be presented in less capital and regional construction conditions. And through the dislocation of buildings, a “gap” is formed, allowing the building to enjoy good ventilation and lighting effects with only a small amount of equipment.

▼村口廁所雪景概貌,exterior view of the toilet at the entrance to the village

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼夜景,night view

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼屋頂的抽移與形體交錯,a “gap” is formed through the dislocation of building blocks

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼村口公廁平面圖,village toilet plan

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼村口公廁剖透視,village toilet sectional perspective

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

林間廁所 | Toilet in the forest

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼宛如身處樹林中的“斑駁”光影,plays of lights simulating the forest scene

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築


At the end of the year, the first phase of the renewal project was completed. We were pleased to see that these “gadgets” built were recognized by the villagers and subtly influenced the life of the villagers. Everyone began to like to go to library in the afternoon, reading or chatting, and began to have a new view on the use, forms and functions of traditional old houses or new buildings. The starting point of Jiang Shan’s practice is different from the current home-bust-style rural construction boom. It originates from the simplest life and cultural needs of the villagers, and it affects the genes of the village from the very beginning. To a certain extent, the thinking of design on the social significance of architecture goes beyond its form, and the expectation of rural revival begins in the practice of design.

▼森林公廁平面圖,forest toilet plan

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

▼森林公廁剖透視,forest toilet sectional perspective

鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築










鈦鯨頭號:蔣山漁村更新實踐,南京 / 米思建築

