



習語:練到“見英語想英語”的那一天,你的英語口語不會差(1​1) A hot potato

1. Speak of an issue (mostly current) which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed

2. A sensitive situation or controversial issue that is difficult to handle and thus gets passed from one person to the next (like a potato that is too hot to hold).

3. If a subject or problem is a hot potato, it is very difficult to deal with, especially because it is something that people argue about a lot. Examples:tightening the gun laws, pricing policy


2) A penny for your thoughts

1. A way of asking what someone is thinking

2. What are you thinking about?

3. I would give you a penny if you tell me your thoughts.

4. People say a penny for your thoughts when they want to know what someone is thinking. Example:You've been awfully quiet tonight, honey—a penny for your thoughts?

3) Actions speak louder than words

People's intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say.


4) Add insult to injury

1. To further a loss with mockery or indignity; to worsen an unfavorable situation.

2. To make a bad situation worse

3. To hurt the feelings of a person who has already been hurt.

4. If someone or something adds insult to injury, they make a bad situation worse by doing or causing another bad thing. Example1:First, the basement flooded, and then, to add insult to injury, a pipe burst in the kitchen.

Example2:My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury, I got a flat tire in the driveway


5) At the drop of a hat

1. Meaning: without any hesitation; instantly.

2. Freely; immediately.

3. If you do something at the drop of a hat, you do it willingly and without hesitation. Example:I don't have any vacation time yet at my new job, so I can't just travel at the drop of a hat.



持續更新中:More is on its way here.

