



Honey,it's time to get up.寶貝,該起床了。

My sleepyhead!我的小懶鬼!

Do you know what time is it now?你知道現在幾點了嗎?

It's already 7 o'clock.已經七點了。

Don't be lazy around.別在懶床啦。

Well,honey,wake up ,and get dressed, or you will be late for school.好了啦,寶貝,快起來,穿好衣服,否則你上學要遲到了。



What do you want to wear today?今天想穿什麼?

Please get dressed. 穿上衣服

Now put on your coat. 現在穿上你的外套。

Your sweater is on backwards.你的羊毛衫穿反了。

Zip up your jacket, it’s cold outside. 把你的夾克衫的拉鍊拉上,天氣冷了。

Unzip your jacket. 把你的夾克衫的拉鍊拉開。


First put your arm through the sleeve,now put your head through. 先把你的胳膊伸進袖子,現在把你的腦袋鑽出來

Put your hand through the sleeve. Now the other one. 把你的手穿過袖子。現在過另外一隻

Your right arm goes in the right sleeve. 你的右手放到右邊的袖子裡

Now put your other arm in the other sleeve. 現在把你的另一個胳膊放到另一隻袖子裡

Your little finger is stuck in the sleeve; let me get it out. 你的小手指卡在袖子裡了,讓我幫你弄出來。

Let me button up your shirt. 讓我幫你把襯衫扣起來。

Your shirt is buttoned up wrong. 你的襯衫紐扣扣錯了。

Will you button up the coat by yourself?你會自己把外套扣好嗎?

Unbutton your shirt. 把你的襯衫紐扣解開。



You know how to use the chopsticks.Great!你會用筷子了,真棒!

Don't play with the chopsticks.不要玩筷子。

Don't bite the chopsticks.不要咬筷子。

Hold the bowl with one hand while eating with your spoon with the other hand.用勺子舀飯的時候,用另一隻手扶著碗。

So the bowl won't move around and it's easier to scoop up the rice with your spoon.這樣碗就不會動來動去,你用勺子舀飯就會比較容易。

Don't scoop up too much with your spoon.每次用勺子舀得少一點,別舀那麼多。

Mum,what's for dinner tonight?媽媽,晚餐吃什麼?

We are having beef curry and rice today.我們今天吃牛肉咖喱飯。

When will it be ready?什麼時候能做好呀?

In about ten more minutes.Help me set the table first.Will you?再過十來分鐘。先幫我擺一下餐具,好嗎?

I am happy to do it.我很高興這樣做(這是按照書面意思翻的,在日常生活中我們很少這樣講話,尤其母子之間,我寧可譯成:好的呀!)

Come and sit at the table。過來坐在桌旁。

Stop playing with your food。不要再玩食物了。

Don’t talk with your mouth full。嘴裡吃著不要說話。

Help Daddy do the dishes。幫助爸爸收盤子。

Help us clear off the table。幫我們收拾桌子。



It’s bad for you!這對你不好。

I have told you many times not to do that。我已經告訴你好幾遍了不要那樣做。

Don’t sit too close to the TV。不要坐的離電視太近。

It’s nothing. It’s just a little cut。不要緊,只是小傷口

Don’t touch the electrical outlets。不要碰電源插座。

Don’t try to plug or put anything in the outlet。不要試圖拔或放任何東西在插座裡。

Don’t touch anything on the stove。不要碰爐子

The oven is very hot; you could burn yourself。爐子很燙,你會燙著自己。

Those tools are too sharp; they’re only for grownups。那些工具太鋒利了,只有大人能用。

Don’t use others cup; you could catch germs in that way。不要用別人的杯子,那樣會傳染病菌.

Don’t play with fire, it’s dangerous。不要玩火,危險。

Wait for the green light before you cross the street。等綠燈亮了再過馬路。

Always look both side before crossing the street. 過馬路前一定看兩邊。



That’s a good/great idea. 那真是個好主意。

Super/Perfect/Marvelous! 棒極了!

You are smart/clever! 你真聰明!

You are beautiful! 你真漂亮!

You’re the best. 你是最好的。

You’re tops! 你是最棒的!

Top girl/boy! 棒女孩/男孩!

What a champ! 勝利了!

Great!/Good!/OK! 好!

Very nice! 非常好!

Wonderful! 太棒了!

You are the winner! 你是勝利者!

You are the first! 你是第一名!

Nice girl/boy. 好女孩/男孩。

You are so sweet. 你真可愛。



外出時邊給孩子扣鞋帶邊說:“Buckle your shoes. Let’s go out for a walk.”

下樓時說:“我們來數數有幾層樓梯。We are going downstairs, let’s count the steps, one,two, three...count...”

在街上,指著飛馳的車輛對孩子說:“Look, this is a bus, that’s a car, truck,(container) freight car, it is turning left side/around now. Oh, they drove away, they are out of sight.”

回來後,爬上樓,直喘氣,:“I need some rest, I am exhausted. Where is the key? Oh, here, I got it, open the door.” 回到家後邊換鞋邊說:“Take off the shoes and change the slippers.

然後帶寶貝去洗手,說:“Mom is going to wash my hands, and you? Put a little bit of soap liquid, then rub your fingers together until you see the bubbles, rinse and dry.”



Fasten your seat belt.繫好安全帶。

Get in your seat. 在你的座位上坐好。

Don’t touch the gear shift. 不要碰引擎。

Don’t unbuckle your seat belt while we’re driving. 開車時不要把安全帶鬆開。



Mind your way.走路當心。

Watch out!/Be careful.小心!

Look after yourself.照顧好你自己。

Heads up!當心!

Be quiet!保持安靜!

Be serious!嚴肅點!

Be patient!耐心點!

Keep calm!安靜!保持鎮靜!

You are going to behave today.今天你要表現得乖一點。

Nothing serious,don't worry,be a man!沒什麼要緊的,不要擔心,象個男子漢!

There's no need to worry.不必擔心。

It happens to everyone when he is a baby!每個小寶寶都會發生這樣的狀況的。

You almost fall down,but not really!你差點跌倒,但並沒有跌倒。

Give me your hand!握住我的手吧!

Easy does it./Have it easy./Take your time./Be patient./Relax./Take it easy.放鬆

It's all over now.都過去了。

It's okay.好了。

You are fine.你很好。

Everything is fine.一切都很好。

Mummy and Daddy won't let anything bad happen to you.爸爸媽媽不會再讓不好的事情發生了。

It's no use crying.哭是沒有用的。

You can talk to me about anything.你可以告訴我任何事情。

Mummy knows best.媽媽最知道了。

Mummy's right here.媽媽就在這兒。

