




1. He gave me a very good advice yesterday.

句中的a要去掉,因為advice是不可數名詞。一些漢語概念為可數的詞在英語中卻是不可數的,表示數量時在其前加a piece of,類似的詞有:news, bread, work, paper, chalk, furniture, information等等。

2. That girl loves reading book.


3. He went into a book’s shop and bought a dictionary.

一般表示有生命的東西的名詞的所有格用’s,如my mother’s car, 而此處適宜用名詞修飾名詞,改為a book shop.

4. My family is watching TV.

一些集合名詞如看成一個整體,則用單數的謂語動詞,如My family is a happy one; 如強調集合中每個個體的個人行為,則用複數的謂語動詞。此處看電視是個體行為,應把is改為are。類似的詞有:team, class, audience等。

5.I bought some potatos and tomatos at the supermarket.

中學階段以“o”結尾的名詞中有四個詞變複數時要加es,它們是tomato, potato, Negro, hero; 其餘的都加s變為複數。

6.This has nothing to do with their believes.(這和他們的信仰沒關係。)

以f, fe 結尾的詞變為複數時一般去f, fe 加ves,如knife—knives, thief—thieves; 而roof 和belief直接加s變為複數。所以應把believes改為beliefs.


7.The boss wants to hire an useful person.


useful的第一個音是輔音所以應把an改為a。類似的,我們說a European country.

8.Plane is a machine that can fly.

Plane為可數名詞單數,不能單獨放在句中,應在其前加冠詞或把它變為複數,而本句後有a machine, 因此只能在其前面加a,變為A plane。

9.He played a piano at the party yesterday.

把a 改為the ,因為樂器前用定冠詞。

10.The machine was invented in 1920s.

在in後加the,因為表示年代用in加the再加幾十的複數,如在八十年代in the 80s。

11.Xiao Hong went to school by the bus every day.




12.He is one of those speakers who make his ideas perfectly clear.

定語從句的先行詞是those speakers,為複數,因此從句中的指示代詞應為複數,應把his改為their。

13. Whom do you think has left the lights on?

放在疑問句特殊疑問詞後的do you think / believe / guess / imagine / suppose等都不參與句子成分,把它們去掉後,疑問詞在句中做主語用主格,做賓語用賓格。本句中去掉do you think後缺的是主語,應把Whom改為Who。

14.The boss pretended not to see John and I.

John和I在句中都做的賓語,應把I 改為me。

15.These books are mine; those in the bag are her.

Her是形容詞性物主代詞,後面應該加名詞books,或把her 改為hers。


16.There are fourteen hundreds students in our school.

Hundred / thousand / million / score/ dozen等詞前有具體數字時後不加s,前面沒有具體數字時在其後加s 和of,表示大約幾百幾千的概念。如 two hundred students(兩百個學生),hundreds of students(成百上千個學生)。例句中應把hundreds 改為hundred。

17.Their school is twice as larger as our school.


18.Today’s homework is a five-hundred-words composition.


19.Two third of the students in our school are from America.

英語表達中分數的分子用基數詞,分母用序數詞,分子大於一時分母后要加s,所以就把third 改為thirds.



20.The patient appeared nervously when he talked to the doctor.


21.The artist worked hardly to finish his drawings on time.

此句需要一個副詞來修飾,hardly是副詞,但意為“幾乎不”,hard 也可以是副詞,表努力,因此把 hardly 改為hard.

22.This shirt is more cheaper than that one.


23.He is the most successful of the two businessmen.


24.He works less harder than he used to.

  表不如… 時用less加上形容詞和副詞的原級,因此把harder改為hard.

25.The book is fairly more interesting than that one.

fairly只能修飾形容詞和副詞的原級,可以修飾比較級的副詞或短語有:much, even, still, far, a lot, a little, a bit, any, no, by far, rather等,因此把fairly改為rather.

26.This is as an interesting a story as the one in the magazine.

as … as中間的詞序是as加上形容詞加上a(n)加上名詞再加上as,因此應改為as interesting a story as the one.

27.The weather here is nicer than Xizang.

同樣的事物才能相比較,weather和Xizang不具有可比性,因此應改為The weather here is nicer than that of Xizang.

29.I would rather take a train than went by bus.

  這個詞組為would rather do … than do …,因此把went改為go.

30.Is there interesting anything at the meeting?

修飾anything, something, every-thing, nothing的形容詞都要放在它們的後面。

31.I never have seen such a person before.

像never之類的副詞在句中應放在be動詞、助動詞之後,實意動詞之前。因為應改為I have never seen such a person before.

32.The book is worth to be read.

be worth doing 意為值得被做。因此改為The book is worth reading.

33.It is sure that he will succeed.

sure 的主語只能為人,而certain的主語可為人和物。因此把sure改為certain.

34.He is regarded as one of the best alive writers at present.

alive 為表語形容詞,偶爾也做後置定語。因此把alive改為living,或把alive 放在writers後面。

35.I don’t know that he has finished the work yet.

yet 用於否定和疑問句,already用於肯定句。把yet 改為already.

36.He said nearly nothing at the meeting.

nearly 不與否定詞用在同一個句子中,而almost可以。因此把nearly 改為almost.


37.He usually goes to school by his father’s car.

by加上名詞表示一種交通方式,中間什麼都不加,如by car, by bus, by plane等;如果名詞前有其他的詞修飾,則應除by以外的其他介詞,此處把by改為in.

38.Please wait me at the school gate.


39.He has been married with Betty for more than twenty years.

marry不跟 with連用,應把with改為to。

40.I finished the work on time under the help of him.



41.He can be at home now because the light in his room is still on.

表特別有把握的肯定判斷時用must,表特別有把握的否定判斷時用can, can表判斷時只用在否定句中。因此把can 改為must。

42.He need come here before the meeting begins.

作情態動詞時need用在否定,疑問和條件句中,不能用於肯定句中,而作實意動詞時則可以。所以應改為:He needs to come here before the meeting begins.

43.He used to get up very early in the morning, and now he is still doing so.

used to 用來表示過去常常做某事而現在不了,所以應把後半句改為:but now he is not doing so.

44.I needn’t come yesterday because all the work had been finished.

由於情態動詞本身不體現時態,所以在談論過去的事情時在情態動詞後加 have done,因此在 needn’t 後加have。

45.You hadn’t better stay up too late because you have to get up early tomorrow.

had better 的否定在 better 後面加not.



46.I will tell her about that when she will come tomorrow.

主句為將來時,其時間、條件、方式和讓步狀語從句中用一般現在時。因此將will come改為comes。

47.The meeting is about to begin in ten minutes.

be about to 一般不與具體的時間狀語連用。因此把 in ten minutes 去掉。

48.The boy opened his eyes for a moment, looking at the captain and then died.

此處look並非伴隨狀語,而是三個並列的謂語動詞,因此把looking 改為looked。

49.I have bought this bike for ten years and I am still using it now.


50.I haven’t learnt any English before I came here.


