
Hundreds of homeless people fined and imprisoned in England and Wales


The Guardian finds over 50 local authorities with PSPOs in place prohibiting begging and loitering.



Homeless people are banned from town centres, routinely fined hundreds of pounds and jailed if caught repeatedly asking for money in some cases Photograph: Alamy


Growing numbers of vulnerable homeless people are being fined, given criminal convictions and even imprisoned for begging and rough sleeping, the Guardian can reveal.


Despite updated Home Office guidance at the start of the year, which instructs councils not to target people for being homeless and sleeping rough, the Guardian has found over 50 local authorities with public space protection orders (PSPOs) in place


Homeless people are banned from town centres, routinely fined hundreds of pounds and sent to prison if caught repeatedly asking for money in some cases. Local authorities in England and Wales have issued hundreds of fixed-penalty notices and pursued criminal convictions for “begging”, “persistent and aggressive begging” and “loitering” since they were given strengthened powers to combat antisocial behaviour in 2014 by then home secretary,Theresa May.


Cases include a man jailed for four months for breaching a criminal behaviour order (CBO) in Gloucester for begging – about which the judge admitted “I will be sending a man to prison for asking for food when he was hungry” – and a man fined £105 after a child dropped £2 in his sleeping bag.


Data obtained by the Guardian through freedom of information found that at least 51 people have been convicted of breaching a PSPO for begging or loitering and failing to pay the fine since 2014, receiving CBOs in some cases and fines up to £1,100. Hundreds of fixed-penalty notices have been issued.

《衛報》通過信息自由獲得的數據發現,自2014年以來,至少51人因乞討或者閒逛或者沒有支付罰款而被控違反公共空間保護令 ,在某些情況下,罰款高達£1100。現已發佈數以百計的定額罰款通知。

Lawyers, charities and campaigners described the findings as “grotesque inhumanity”, saying disadvantaged groups were fined for being poor. They said civil powers were being used by overzealous councils who wanted to sweep inconveniences off their streets and sanitise town centres.


Councils use a range of tools to crackdown on begging, but PSPOs are the most popular. Breaching a PSPO can lead to a £100 fixed-penalty notice, but offenders face a summary conviction, sometimes a criminal behaviour order (CBO) banning an individual for future begging and a fine of up to £1,000 if they fail to pay. Violating a CBO can result in five years in prison.

委員會使用一系列的手段打擊乞討,公共空間保護令是首選。違反公共空間保護令會導致£100定額的罰款通知書,罪犯者面臨一個簡易程序定罪, 如果他們不支付,有時犯罪行為條例會禁止個人繼續乞討或者要求繳納高達£1000的罰款。違反犯罪行為條例可能會導致5年的牢獄之災。

Rosie Brighouse, a lawyer for Liberty, said: “We warned from the start that PSPOs were far too broad and ripe for misuse by over-zealous councils wanting to sweep inconveniences off their streets. Now we see dozens of local authorities using them to target marginalised groups and fine people for being poor.”

自由律師Rosie Brighouse說:“我們從一開始就警告公共空間保護令太過寬泛,不能被過於熱心的委員會濫用來清除街道上的不便。”現在我們看到幾十個地方當局利用他們來打擊被邊緣化的群體和窮人。

Campaigners say bans on drinking alcohol and swearing in town centres are also being used to target homeless people, but councils insist PSPOs are only being used to target antisocial behaviour, not homelessness and rough sleeping. In a few cases, people who are not homeless have been prosecuted for begging.


Brighouse added: “This approach just pushes people into debt or the criminal justice system.”


May introduced PSPOs in 2014 to restrict how a particular area could be used.


In December 2017, then home secretary Amber Rudd told councils not to misuse antisocial behaviour laws by targeting homeless people. New guidance says PSPOs “should not be used to target people based solely on the fact that someone is homeless or rough sleeping, as this in itself is unlikely to mean that such behaviour is having an unreasonably detrimental effect on the community’s quality of life which justifies the restrictions imposed”.


Some charities have called on the government to scrap PSPOs entirely, arguing they are an example of abuse of power and do not help take people off the streets, but push them further into debt and the criminal justice system.


Josie Appleton, director of the Manifesto Club campaign against hyper-regulation of everyday life said: “It’s a travesty that people who most need our help are being treated like they arescum ... how do you treat the poor? The fact they are being seen as a messy thing is grotesque inhumanity and lots of places with these orders in place have faced huge public outcry to the orders.”

宣言俱樂部反對日常生活過度監管活動的主任喬西·阿普爾頓說:“最需要我們幫助的人得到了像他們一樣的待遇,這是一種諷刺,你如何對待窮人? 將其視為一群擾亂秩序的人是極其荒謬且不人道的行為,許多實施這些命令的地方已經面臨公眾的強烈抗議。“

She added: “It’s this kind of very harsh officious mentality ... it’s not to do with representing people but airbrushing things.”


The impact on homeless people, Appleton said, includes them being run out of town or if they reoffend they face imprisonment, making it harder to get back on their feet and find work.


When contacted by the Guardian, a Home Office spokesperson said: “We are clear that PSPOs should be used proportionately to tackle antisocial behaviour, and not to target specific groups or the most vulnerable in our communities. We set this out clearly when in December last year we refreshed the statutory guidance for frontline professionals on the use of the antisocial behaviour powers.

當衛報聯繫內政部發言人時,一位內政部發言人表示:“我們很清楚,公共空間保護令應該按比例解決反社會行為,而不是針對特定群體或我們社區中最脆弱的群體。 我們在去年12月清楚地闡明瞭這一點,我們更新了關於使用反社會行為權力的前線專業人員的法定指導。

“It is for local agencies to determine whether their use of the powers is appropriate, and that they are meeting the legal tests set out in the legislation. The government is committed to tackling and reducing homelessness and to offer support to the most vulnerable in our society.”

“地方機構要確定他們是否適用權力,是否符合立法中規定的法律測試。 政府致力於解決和減少無家可歸,併為社會上最弱勢群體提供支持。”




