以色列10 阿哥拉硬幣Israeli 10 Agora coin

以色列10 阿哥拉硬幣(收於2018年)以色列國簡稱以色列;位於亞洲最西端、西瀕地中海的議會制國家;也是世界上唯一以猶太人為主體民族的國家;國土面積為2.5萬平方公里;總人口902萬人(2019年);首都:建國時在特拉維夫,現為耶路撒冷;總統魯文·裡夫林。

以色列歷史悠久,是世界主要宗教猶太教、伊斯蘭教和基督教的發源地。 猶太人遠祖希伯來人。公元前13世紀末開始從埃及遷居到該地區。後被羅馬帝國征服,開始流亡歐洲。1917年英國佔領該地區。1922年國際聯盟決議在巴勒斯坦地區建立"猶太民族之家"。1948年5月14日以色列國正式成立;1949年5月11日加入聯合國 ;1950年1月9日,以色列宣佈承認中華人民共和國,但是仍然和在臺灣的國民政府存在大使級外交關係;1992年1月24日,與中國正式建立大使級外交關係。


以色列新謝克爾是以色列國的法定貨幣;1985年以1:1000的比率取代謝克爾;輔幣阿哥拉;1新謝克爾=100阿哥拉;此10阿哥拉硬幣,為鋁青銅鑄幣;正面主圖為一隻耶路撒冷聖殿內的祭物7七杈燭臺,上面有國徽印記,左側有希伯來文和英文國名;背面主圖為面額,左右為希伯來曆年份。The State of Israel is called Israel for short; Parliamentary countries located at the westernmost end of Asia and bordering the Mediterranean to the west; It is also the only country in the world where Jews are the main ethnic group. The land area is 25,000 square kilometers. The total population is 9.02 million (2019); Capital: Tel Aviv at the time of its founding and now Jerusalem; President Reuven Rivlin.

Israel has a long history and is the birthplace of the world's major religions Judaism, Islam and Christianity. The Hebrew, the Jewish ancestor,began to move from Egypt to the region at the end of the 13th century BC. the Israel After being conquered by the Roman empire, Jewess began to exile in Europe. Britain occupied the area in 1917. In 1922, the League of Nations decided to establish a "Jewish House" in the Palestinian region. The State of Israel was formally established on 14 May 1948; Joined the United Nations on 11 May 1949; On January 9, 1950, Israel announced its recognition of the people's Republic of China, but it still has diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level with the national government in Taiwan; on January 24, 1992, it officially established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level with China.

Israel is a capitalist country and is regarded as the country with the highest level of economic development, commercial freedom, press freedom and overall human development in the Middle East. It is world-famous for its high-tech industry. The Israel Defense Forces are listed as one of the best trained troops in the world. Israel is one of the few countries possessing nuclear weapons except the five major powers of the United States, Britain, Russia, China and France. Israel was the largest exporter of UAVs between 1985 and 2014. On January 1, 2019, Israel formally withdrew from UNESCO.

Israel's new shekel is the legal tender of the state of Israel; In 1985, the shekel was replaced by a ratio of 1: 1,000; The token Agora; 1 shekel =100 Agora ; The 10 Agora coins are aluminum bronze coins. The front main picture shows a sacrificial offering 7-branch candlestick in the temple of Jerusalem, with the national emblem on it and the Hebrew and English names on the left. The main figure on the back shows the denomination and the year of Hebrew origin on the left and right.