外国风俗 阿根廷 /【Foreign Style】Argentina


Country Profile

1.历史沿革/ Historical Evolution


The inhabitants were Indians before the 16th century, and it became a Spanish colony in 1536. The May Revolution against Spanish colonial rule broke out in 1810 and independence was declared in 1816. The Federal Republic was established in 1853, and the fourth revised constitution in 1994 established Argentina as a federal state.

2.人口分布/ Population Distribution


As of 2016, the total population was 43.85 million, with white and Indo-European hybrids accounting for 97%, mostly of Italian and Hispanic descent. There are about 120,000 Chinese living in Argentina, mainly in the capital and in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, and Cordoba.

3.气候特征/ Climatic Conditions


The annual average temperature is 21.6 degrees Celsius in the north, 6.3 degrees Celsius in the south, and 17.7 degrees Celsius in the capital.

4.地理位置 / Geolocation


It is located in southeastern South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean in the east, facing Antarctica in the south, bordering Chile in the west, Bolivia and Paraguay in the north, and Brazil and Uruguay in the northeast.

二、风俗人情/ Custom Life

1.交通环境/ Traffic Environment




Argentina once had a dense railway network. The railway network constructed since 1876 extended west and north from the capital, Buenos Aires, covering 14 provinces in central and northern Argentina. The transportation is very convenient.

However, in the past 20 years or so, due to national policy adjustments and economic turmoil, most sections of the Argentine railway have gradually fallen into obsolescence. Only 7,400 kilometers of the 7,409-kilometre freight section of the entire line have barely operated. Many companies are forced to choose road transportation, which has higher transportation costs and far less capacity than railways.

Argentina ranks second in Latin America in terms of car ownership. As of 15 years, Argentina has 314 cars per thousand.

2.经济环境/ Economic environment


Argentina is the Association of South American Nations, a member of the G20 and Latin America's third largest economy. It has a huge middle class relative to other Latin American countries.

1) 主要经济指标/ Main economic indicators


GDP: US $ 518.475 billion (2018), ranking 26th in the world, is a developing country.


Per capita income: 20,600 (2018).


Inflation rate: 24.8% (2017).


Unemployment rate: 7.2%.

2) 消费需求:购车在阿根廷人日常开支中占有较大比重。同时,近年高通货膨胀率和远远落后于货币贬值速度的薪酬增长,迫使阿根廷人在物价飞涨中勒紧荷包。很多人推迟了购买新车或更换旧车的计划,而需要买车的人则更加注重车辆的价格。

Consumer demand: Car purchases account for a large proportion of Argentine daily expenses. At the same time, in recent years, high inflation and wage growth, which has lagged far behind the pace of currency depreciation, have forced Argentines to tighten their wallets in the face of soaring prices. Many people have postponed plans to buy new or replace old cars, while those who need to buy a car pay more attention to the price of the car.

3.风俗人情/ Local Customs——门多萨葡萄酒节




In February and March of each year, the northern hemisphere is still in the cold, and in Argentina it is the grape harvest season. Argentina celebrates this festival from February 22 to March 9 in provinces every year. It celebrates a good harvest and wishes for a good harvest in the coming year, forming a national festival, especially held in the province of Mendoza, which is rich in grapes. The grape festival has the greatest influence at home and abroad.

The Mendoza Wine Festival has a history of nearly 73 years, and has been designated as a national festival since 1938. Two of the most distinctive events during the event were the "Argentine National Costume" and the "Grape Festival Queen" float parade.

Dangdang! Dangdang! The provincial governor of Mendoza rings the pear zinc, a symbol of labor hanging on a large iron ring, and the annual wine festival is announced. In the period before the festival began, the 17 districts of the province pre-selected the district's pretty and slender queen as a candidate from the female middle school students to participate in the provincial finals. The selection of the queen was noticeable. Beauty is not the only condition to win. It also needs to be the first in culture and talent. Because the grape queen elected every year will often represent the provincial government to participate in important national concierge activities during the one-year term.

三、信息视野/ Information View

1.产业发展/ Industrial Development


The automobile industry in Argentina is relatively developed in Latin America, and the automobile industry started earlier. The first automobile assembly plant was established in 1920, the first automobile production plant was established in 1952, and mass production of automobiles began in 1959. Since the 1990s, the automobile manufacturing industry has developed rapidly: in 1994, the annual output was as high as 400,000.

2.行业状况/ Industry Status


The automobile industry is a pillar industry of Argentina and its neighboring Brazil, and is also a commodity of bilateral trade.


Argentina ’s auto production is exported in large quantities except for some domestic sales, mainly in the Mercosur, especially in the Brazilian market, while auto parts are imported in large quantities by Brazil.


Motorcycles are the largest sector in Argentina's automobile manufacturing industry, accounting for 44.3% of the industry's total output. The automotive market accounts for 36.2% of the entire industry.


Since 2016, a large number of Chinese auto companies have begun to settle in Argentina. As of now, 11 Chinese self-owned brands such as Chery, Geely, Lifan, Foton, Dongfeng, Great Wall and Brilliance are on sale in the local market, accounting for about 2% of the local auto market. According to an online survey, 44% of respondents said they would buy Chinese brand cars.


In the 18 years, the number of imported cars in the domestic market was 802,000, which remained close to the figure in 19 years.

3.市场思考——阿根廷汽车行业之困/Market thinking-the plight of Argentina's auto industry.


According to data released by the Argentine Automobile Manufacturers Association (ADEFA), as of April 2015, Argentina ’s car production has declined for 20 consecutive months year-on-year; since 2014, Argentina ’s car sales have hovered at an average of 50,000 vehicles per month. In 2015, there was a downward trend.

●国内政策环境之困:取消汽车消费税减免政策/ Difficulties in the domestic policy environment: cancellation of auto consumption tax relief policy.


The cancellation of the automobile consumption tax deduction policy is a direct incentive for the Argentine automobile industry to advance into difficulties. In 2014, the cancellation of the tax exemption policy led to a substantial increase in car purchase costs, which drastically reduced the enthusiasm of consumers for car purchases, and sales have since been flat.

●国际政策环境之困:“南共市”贸易政策影响/ Difficulties in the International Policy Environment: Trade Policy Impacts.



The entire South America is mainly divided into two large economic organizations, the "Pacific Union" and the "Southern Common Market". SADC mainly seeks to protect the economies of member countries, and the automotive industry uniformly implements 33% tariffs. This is different from the position of the Pacific Alliance in defending free trade, so it is difficult for the two to cooperate, and it has also made it difficult for Argentina's automotive industry to develop into neighboring non-MERCOSUR countries.

In addition, although the "SADC" has signed free trade agreements with Egypt, Israel, Palestine and other countries, the political component of these agreements is far more important than the economic component, and it is not much related to the automotive industry in Argentina.

●出口市场之困:主要出口国巴西市场需求下降/ Difficulties in the export market: demand in Brazil, a major exporter, declines.



At present, about 50% of the cars produced in Argentina are exported to Brazil. However, as the Brazilian economy declines and there is an oversupply of cars, Argentina's auto exports have also declined.

"If Brazil recovers, so will the capacity of the Argentine automotive industry," said an expert from Orlando Ferros Consulting.

●国内经济之困:债务危机与通货膨胀/ Domestic economic woes: debt crisis and inflation.


At present, the frequent debt crisis of the Argentine government and the domestic inflation rate of more than 20% indicate that Argentina's economy is on the decline. Moreover, due to debt disputes between Argentina and many hedge funds, it was unable to absorb funds from the international capital market. The lack of new funds prevented Argentina's auto industry from obtaining the "energy" needed to get out of the predicament.