



这与美国民众对美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)和传染病专家福奇(Anthony Fauci)的信任相比,差距明显。调查显示,有69%的受访者表示,他们相信疾控中心关于疫情的说法,而60%的受访者表示,他们相信福奇。还有66%的受访者表示,他们相信州长们关于新冠病毒的言论。



President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus outbreak – especially his response to initial reports of coronavirus cases overseas – is widely criticized.

A majority of American voters (52%) disapprove of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus outbreak and believe he did not take the pandemic seriously enough at the beginning of the crisis, according to an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll conducted April 13-15.

Meanwhile, 52 percent of respondents said they generally do not trust Trump's rhetoric about the virus, while just 36 percent said they do. This pales in comparison to Americans' trust of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert and a key member of the White House coronavirus task force.

There's also bad news for Trump when comparing him with Joe Biden. The poll shows that Biden is ahead of Trump by 9 points on who better responds to a crisis.

The poll also shows that nearly 60 percent of American voters say they are more concerned that relaxing stay-at-home restrictions would lead to more COVID-19 deaths than they are that the restrictions will hurt the U.S. economy,

美国皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一项最新民调也得出了类似的结果。


就特朗普支持率而言,65%的受访者认为,特朗普针对美国新冠疫情暴发采取行动“过于缓慢” ,且只有39%的受访者认为特朗普对于新冠疫情的公开评论,展现了疫情和病毒威胁的真实情况。

According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted April 7-12, about two-thirds of Americans (66%) say their greater concern is that state governments will lift restrictions on public activity too quickly, while 73 percent of the adults believe the worst is still to come.

In terms of Trump's approval ratings, 65 percent of Americans believe Trump responded late to the outbreak in terms of government's response, and just 39 percent believe Trump is presenting the situation about as it really is, in his public comments on the coronavirus outbreak.














The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump was aware of real-time information on the novel coronavirus pandemic as early as the crisis unfolded, said a Washington Post report on Monday that appeared to contradict Trump's claim it was a failure of communication from the WHO that resulted in the spread of the virus in the U.S.

Trump announced last Wednesday that his administration will halt funding to the WHO (World Health Organization ) for 60 to 90 days over its "slow response" and "pushing (of) misinformation from China." The administration accused the WHO of failing to communicate the threat posed by COVID-19, but the report suggested otherwise.

The report said the Trump administration was informed with real-time information about COVID-19 and its spread in China since the beginning of the outbreak last year from researchers and public health experts working at the WHO.

According to the report, a number of CDC staff members, including senior Trump-appointed health officials, were consulting regularly with the WHO as the crisis unfolded, U.S. and international officials were quoted as saying.

A statement from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) later confirmed a group of 17 HHS members, including 16 from the CDC, were "working on a variety of programs, including COVID-19 and Ebola at the WHO in January," but emphasized that they are not decision-makers.

The findings suggested that the administration was aware of the virus and its outbreak at the very beginning, a claim against Trump's statement which attributed the spread of the virus in the United States to WHO's failure to communicate the extent of the threat due to "its desire to protect China."

However, when asked whether it was fair to blame the WHO for the spread of the virus in the U.S., politicians tend to shift the onus to China so as to divert public attention to their own mismanagement.


The number of confirmed COVID-19 infections in the U.S. hit 787,960, with 42,364 fatalities, as of 18:38 BJT on Tuesday, according to statistics released by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.