您不知道我们的身体部位可以做的10件事——No.5 闻到X病



No.5 闻到性病

现代约会文化的最大问题之一是x传播疾病的患病率极高。如果您不小心,One Night Sex的漫不经心可能给你留下的不仅仅是遗憾和不满足感(比如疣)。如果幸运的话,你只需要看几次医生可以了。如果没有 ......好吧,你知道这是怎么回事。




One of the biggest problems with modern dating culture is the scarily high prevalence of STDs. If you’re not careful, a careless one-night stand may leave you with much more than feelings of regret and unfulfillment (like warts). If you’re lucky, all you’ll need is a few doctor visits to fix it. If not . . . well, you know how this goes.

Apparently, the human body has built-in mechanisms to detect STDs without having to go through all that. One of them is our sense of smell. One study found that women are capable of smelling gonorrhea just from saliva or armpit samples of men, something that otherwise takes quite a few tests and medical visits to detect.

It makes perfect sense, too, as women may have developed this ability to weed out potentially risky sexual partners.

According to studies done on mice, there’s evidence that our sense of smell may be able to detect much more than STDs, including other viruses andparasites.
