



The US just approved 700 billions $$$$$$$$$$$ for its military, and 2 billion for infrastructure.


ANDY L11 hours ago

I'm pretty sure China will complete this rail project before California high speed rail is done. Lol


DAVID14 hours ago

China is moving far ahead of the United-States in the development of its infrastructure. Wishing that Americans will take notice and start improving their own society.


W13 hours ago

This is what America needed, infrastructure spending, instead of a tax break for billionaires (who really don't need more) and big corporations (who mainly used it to buy back their own stock).


Texaslefty14 hours ago

China should change its motto to 'Just Do It'. The US already has the motto 'Just Delay It'.

中國應該把口號改為“只管去做”('Just Do It)。美國的口號已經改為“只管去拖”了。

Jack of Spades11 hours ago

This will also likely be finished in a few years, not the decades it takes some places in the USA to complete a few small train stations... The USA is clearly losing on the infrastructure front. Riding the subway in NYC, it is clear the system has been downgraded to a 2nd world mass transit system, not a 1st world.


be carefull14 hours ago

while China keeps investing in their economy ,we keep investing into weapons and wars that do nothing for improving our economy


Xiaodong8 hours ago

At end of 2018, China has completed 18125miles or 29000km high speed rails. More than rest of the world combined. Great achievement!


Christopher14 hours ago

Hmmm....China invests $33 billion in improving infrastructure; they already know where to spend their funds because it’s been proven walls are a waste or money.


Peter5 hours ago

Just hope this will be a sustainable project, there are already a lot of completed mega projects that lose money for years and doesnt seem to be profitable.


Sunshine12 hours ago

and all america does is give rich tax cuts and bad roads


Anonymous4 hours ago

China is going to build hi-speed rails, not like the rails in us now.The length of China's railways in operation reached 127,000 kilometers, of which 25,000 kilometers were high-speed railways, accounting for 66.3 percent of the world's total. the average speed is 300 kilometers.and all those hi-speed rails were built in a matter of several year.


EL ZORRO13 hours ago

China is an example to the world


Ho13 hours ago

What happens to California High Speed train? it is at its snail pace. Can we really have a speed train in the year 2030?


Max13 hours ago

American is only this generous when it gives money to Israel


bunnies_attack13 hours ago

Meanwhile, the USA infrastructure keeps falling apart and gets worse each year. No one in the US wants to spend money on taxes let alone universal health insurance.


Anonymous13 hours ago

And Trump can't get Mexico to pay $5 Billion for his Wall. SAD.


C13 hours ago

Meanwhile, Trump wants $5 billion to build the Great Fence of the USA


son14 hours ago

The Chinese can fund a 33billion railway. say that again 33 billion. But the dems can't fund a 5 billion wall. go figure.


The American14 hours ago

China is building a railroad? And somehow this is news? Will it have the usual 30 day warranty?

