聽美劇學英語38期:I didn't know how you would hold up.

Hello,這裡是地道英語,我是W!今天這個視頻來自Desperate Housewives的第一季第10集。Gabrielle的丈夫Carlos被抓入獄,她來到監獄探望丈夫。兩個人深情告白之後,Carlos藉助兩人接吻的時機跟Gabrielle講了很了不得的事情呢!快來跟W一起看看裡面地道的英語表達吧!

Carlos: What happened to all your nails? 你的指甲怎麼了?happen to: 發生在…身上 nail: 指甲

Gabrielle: Oh, I, I moved all our stuff, to keep it from the feds. 哦,我把我們所有的東西都搬走了,阻止聯邦調查局的人拿走。move: 遷移、搬走 stuff: 東西、物品 keep from: 阻止、防止 Fed: 【俚語】聯邦政府的工作人員

Carlos: It kills me that I'm putting you through this. 我很心疼,讓你受了這些苦。kill: 殺死、弄死 put through: 使經受、遭受

Guard: Hands on the table. 把手放在桌子上。

Gabrielle: It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. I'll take care of everything until you're back to do it yourself. And you will be soon. 這不是你的錯,你沒做任何錯事。我會處理好一切,直到你能夠回來親自打理。而且你一定很快就能出來。fault:過失、缺點 take care of: 照看、照料、處理 until: 直到

Carlos: I got to be honest. I didn't know how you would

hold up. I knew you were a strong woman, but I had no idea. You're a good wife, Gabby. A real partner. 老實說,我不知道你是怎麼支撐下來的。我知道你是個堅強的女人,但我不知道(能到這個程度)。你是個好妻子,Gabby, 一個真正的伴侶。to be honest: 說實在的、老實說 hold up: 支撐、承擔 strong: 堅強的 have no idea: 一無所知、沒想到 idea: 主意、想法 wife: 妻子 real: 實際的、真的 partner: 合作者、搭檔

Gabrielle: Oh, Carlos, I love you so much! I would give up a house full of expensive junk just to put this behind us, and have you home with me. 哦,Carlos, 我非常地愛你。我寧願放棄那幢堆滿了昂貴的廢品的房子,來把這件事度過,讓你和我回到家中。give up: 放棄、拋棄 full of: 充滿、許多 expensive: 昂貴的、奢華的 junk: 廢物、垃圾 put behind: 放在後面、延遲

Carlos: That sounds pretty good right now. 這個現在聽上去很不錯。sound: 聽起來 pretty: 相當、十分 right now: 立刻、就在此刻

Gabrielle: I'm going to kiss my husband now! 我要吻我的丈夫了。kiss: 親吻、接吻 husband: 丈夫

Guard: Hands on the table. 把手放在桌上。

Carlos: There's a false panel on the back wall of the closet. My

passport is there, along with some papers. Take the passport to the lawyer, and burn the papers. 在衣櫃的後牆上有個假的鑲嵌板。我的護照在那兒,還有其他一些文件。把護照給律師,燒掉那些文件。false: 假的、人造的 panel: 嵌板、護牆板 wall: 牆壁、圍牆 closet: 壁櫥、衣櫥 passport: 護照 along with: 隨同、一起 paper: 紙、文件 lawyer: 律師 burn: 燒燬、燒掉

Gabrielle: Carlos, did you know what Tanaka was doing? Carlos,你知道田中所做的事嗎?

Carlos: Just burn the papers. 燒掉那些文件就行了。



happen to+sth/sb: 發生在…身上 keep from+sth/sb: 阻止、防止

put through+sth/sb: 使經受、遭受 give up+sth/sb: 放棄、拋棄

【2】It kills me that: 讓我痛不欲生

【3】hold up:舉起;支撐;耽誤;持械搶劫;保持良好;經得住檢驗。這個短語的意思比較多,所以要在具體語境中看它是什麼意思。在這個句子裡理解為支撐的意思。

【4】strong woman:“強壯的女人”還是“堅強的女人”也要看具體語境。在《一分鐘英語口語87期》中Carlos也用這個詞形容過自己的母親:I know she seems like a very strong woman, but she has a major weakness.

【5】expensive junk: 昂貴的垃圾。很地道的表達,學起來。

【6】put sth1 behind sh2: 把1放在2後面。 put it behind the curtains 把它放在窗簾後面

put behind sb/sth:忘記,擺脫。Thereupon I have put behind your gentle sound. 於是我忘卻了你溫柔的聲音

put behind:延遲。For it kept raining for days, their traveling plan was put behind. 由於連續幾天下雨,他們的旅行計劃只好延後了。

put behind sb:某人試圖忘記。He will attempt to put behind him the misery of failing to win a medal in hisindividual event. 他會盡力忘掉自己沒能在個人項目上奪牌的痛苦。

sb be put behind bars:關進監獄。 put sb behind bars:把某人關進監獄。He was put behind bars for the rest of his life. 他被關進監獄,要在鐵窗下度過他的餘生。

【7】Carlos: I got to be honest. I didn't know how you would hold up. I knew you were a strong woman, but I had no idea. You're a good wife, Gabby. A real partner. 注意在說這些的時候時態的變化,前面大部分的過去時,表示自己以前的一些看法,最後一句才用了現在時。