听美剧学英语43期:We were connected at the most primal lev

Hello,这里是地道英语,我是W!今天这个视频来自Desperate Housewives的第一季第11集。Edie的好朋友Martha失踪了,Martha的妹妹Felicia来到美景镇。Edie负责接待Felicia,第一次见到Felicia的Edie对她有什么看法呢?Felicia又是如何评价自己的姐姐的呢?快来跟W一起看看里面地道的英语表达吧!


EDIE: Yes. 是的。

FELICIA: I'm Felicia Tillman. Martha's sister. 我是 Felicia Tillman,Martha 的妹妹。

EDIE: Really! 真的?

FELICIA: What's wrong? 有什么不对吗?

EDIE: Oh nothing's wrong, it's just that Martha always said how alike you two were. I just don't see the family resemblance. 哦, 没什么. 只是 Martha 一直说你们两个很相像。我只是没看到家族的相似性。alike: 相似的、同样的 family: 家庭、家族 resemblance: 相像、相似

FELICIA: It's there. It just takes a while to become apparent. Do you have the key to her house? 那的确有,只是需要一点时间才会发现。你有她房子的钥匙吗?take a while: 需要一段时间 become: 逐渐成为 apparent: 明显的、表面上的

EDIE: I do. After the police kicked the door in, they put on this temporary lock. Oh, and by the way, the neighbors are coming over at noon. We're going to organize and hand out fliers. 我有。在警察破门而入之后,他们装了这个临时的锁。对了,顺便说一下,邻居们会在中午过来。我们将组织起来发送传单。police: 警察、警方 kick: 踢、冲撞 temporary: 暂时的、临时的 lock: 锁、闩 by the way: 顺便说、顺便问一下 neighbor: 邻居 come over: 过来、来访 at noon: 在中午 organize: 组织、安排 hand out: 分发、散发 flier: 传单

FELICIA: The key? 钥匙?

EDIE: Oh right. You know, I can only imagine how worried you must be. 哦, 是的。我只能想象你现在有多担心。imagine: 幻想、猜测 worried: 担心的、烦恼的

FELICIA: I'm not worried, Edie. Martha and I had a very intense bond. We were connected at the most primal level, and a few days ago, I felt this sensation in my soul. That's when it first dawned on me that something had happened to my sister. And when she didn't arrive at my home as scheduled, well, that's when I knew she was dead. 我不担心, Martha 和我有紧密的联系。我们在最根本的层面上相互连接,几天前,我感应到了一些东西。那时候我第一次觉察到我姐姐出事了。后来我姐姐没有按计划来到我家,从那时起我就知道她死了。intense: 非常的、强烈的 bond: 联系、纽带 connect: 连接 primal: 主要的、基本的 level: 水平、标准 sensation: 感觉、感情 soul: 灵魂、精神 dawn on: 开始理解 dawn: 黎明、破晓 happen to sb.: 发生在…身上 arrive at: 到达、抵达 as scheduled: 如期 schedule: 排定,安排

EDIE: Oh, honey, no! You mustn't think like that! Martha's only missing

! 哦,亲爱的,不,你不应该那样想, Martha 只是失踪了。honey: 宝贝 missing: 失踪的、下落不明

FELICIA: No, Edie, she's dead. But she's my sister, and I'm going to find out exactly what happened to her. 不, Edie,她死了。不过他是我姐姐,我会查明到底她发生了什么事。find out: 找出、查明 exactly: 准确的,究竟,一点不错

EDIE: Look, Felicia, it's natural to freak out when a loved one is missing. 我说,Felicia,当一个你爱的人失踪的时候,惊慌失措是很自然的。natural: 自然的、正常的 freak out: 吓坏了、行为反常

FELICIA: Loved one? Oh, Edie, let me be clear about this. I hated Martha. She was a wretched pig of a woman. And the day she died, this world became a better place. 我爱的人? Edie,我就明说了吧。我恨 Martha,她是一头讨厌的母猪。她死的那天世界变得更美好了。clear: 澄清、弄清楚 hate: 憎恶、憎恨 wretched: 讨厌的,可恨的 die: 死亡、消逝 world: 世界 became: 成为、变成 better: 较好的、更好的 place: 地方、空间

NARRATOR: It was in that moment that Edie finally saw the family resemblance. 就在那一刻 Edie 终于看到了家族的相似性。moment: 片刻、瞬间 finally: 最后、最终


【1】Martha always said how

alike you two were. Martha总是说你们两个很相似。《一分钟英语口语185期》That is so like you 你总是这样。

【2】hand out fliers 发传单=pass out fliers《一分钟英语口语219期》,同时需要注意的是flier(美)=flyer(英)飞行员;空中飞人;传单

【3】 英语中安慰人的话其实都差不多:I can only imagine how worried you must be 我只能想象你有多担心,《一分钟英语口语191期》中 I understand how worried you must be. 我知道你很担心。

【4】《听美剧学英语42期:Why is he so unhappy?他为什么不开心?》42期中刚出现的soul在这一期又出现了,I felt this sensation in my soul.

【5】 当你的朋友有负面情绪时:You mustn't think like that! 别那么想!或者 Don't say that!别那么说!参见《一分钟英语口语138期》

【6】freak out:(使)惊慌失措;吓坏《听美剧学英语23期:Is there any way to get around it?》中有:people get really freaked out by suicides.

【7】 let me be clear about this 我就直说了吧,《一分钟英语口语226期》中也有so we're clear 所以我们直说吧

【8】The day she died, this world became a better place. 骂人不带脏字的典范,学起来,哈哈!