

United States President, Donald Trump, is asking some of the biggest names in sports, and recruiting a panel of advisers.


biggest name 业界大牛 panel of advisers 顾问小组(固定搭配) panel n.面板,控制面板

Included in the list of more than 200 advisers with whom the president will be consulting are numerous sports executives, including NBA commissioner Adam Silver, and Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks.


with whom the president will be consulting 在句中做定语修饰前面的advisers(译为:总统要咨询的200名顾问们其中有很多俱乐部经理)

executive adj. 行政的,执行的(CEO=chief executive officer 首席执行官) n.总经理,主管领导 =manager


Interestingly, Mark Cuban says he didn't know he was on President Trump's coronavirus council until day of announcement


"We have to get our sports back. I'm tired of watching baseball games that are 14 years old," Trump said during his Tuesday briefing. We need our fans to be back in stadiums by summer!


briefing n.简报会 stadium 体育场,体育馆(gym多指健身房,playground多指游乐场,孩子们玩的操场)

by summer 在夏天之前(by 不迟于,在...之前)





By 11: 00 p.m. on April 16, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States had exceedepd 650,000, and the number of the new cases diagnosed per day was still 30,000+. Under such a sever circumstance, can Trump really realize his aspiration?


cumulative 累积的 exceed v.超过(=surpass overtake overstep) diagnose v. 诊断 aspiration 志向 抱负


This is like the forth time Trump has tried to normolize this and each time the deaths ended up spiking again


normalize v. 使...正常,淡化 end up doing sth 以...为结束

spike n.尖状物,尖头 v.用尖状物刺入,骤增,猛增( =surge

Trump putting more focus on sports than peoples lives and health


raptors fans be like "what about us?" lol


Lmao= Laugh my ass off (笑掉了我的屁股,可以意译为——可给爷整笑了hhhh)

Not even their call to make. state governors will make that call. Federalism, constitution, do not expect NFL or college football this fool. And by the way, I hate that I am mixing sports with politics. Welcome to freaking 2020.

这位网友则直接开怼美国联邦政府,“是否允许各城市球队回归赛场应该由各州政府来做决定,联邦制和宪法都滚一边去,别当运动员都是傻子!我讨厌将体育与政治挂钩。” 最后,她还不忘调侃道:”欢迎来到恐怖的2020年!”

federalism 联邦制 constitution 宪法 freaking 令人毛骨悚然的 可怕的 NFL美国职业橄榄球联盟

既4月9日美国加州州长(Gavin Newsomp)宣布加州是一个


at odds with sb. 与某人有分歧,意见不合

