主人逝世遭遗弃 小狗守候苦等1年(双语)

Prepare yourselves for some teary paw-spiration.请准备好纸巾,下面你将读到一个小狗催人泪下的故事。

This latest video from Eldad Hagar, the founder of animal rescue organization Hope for Paws, illustrates the heart-wrenching rescue story of Woody, an abandoned poodle.动物救助机构“希望之爪”的创始人伊利达·夏甲最新上传了一则视频,视频讲述了他们救助一只被遗弃的贵宾狗伍迪的故事,令人十分感动。

When Woody’s owner died, the family sold the house and left him outside on the doorstep to fend for himself. For more than a year, the poor pup waited under a nearby shed hoping his owner would return.伍迪的主人去世后,他的家人将房子变卖出售,而将伍迪丢在了家门口让它自谋出路。在一年多的时间里,这只可怜的小狗都在附近的一个小棚子里默默等待,盼望他的主人有天会回来。

When Hagar finally found Woody, the dog's spirit was completely shattered -- he refused to eat and needed an IV to gain enough nourishment for him to survive.当夏甲找到伍迪的时候,它已经完全崩溃了,它拒绝吃东西,只能靠静脉注射来维持生命。

But here, the story turns around. With a little time and affection, Woody got a makeover, returned to health and learned to love again.但情况渐渐有了好转。在经过一段时间的精心呵护下,伍迪终于走出了阴霾,它恢复了健康,并开始重新接纳这个世界。

Currently, Woody is being fostered by Hagar's friend Lisa Charelli, but, ultimately, needs a permanent home. And who could say no to this face?目前伍迪由夏甲的朋友丽莎·卡雷利代为照顾,但它终需要一个永远的家。有谁忍心对着这么可爱的小狗说不呢?